Money Textdraw

To make money cheats useless i thought to use a textdraw (over the originals Moneybar) which shows the money the player has at the moment. The Textdraw is just a text (align right, color: green, as high/width as the original one, no background).
You all know that the original moneybar changes the color from green to red if you have debt (- $). My textdraw should change the color too, so i did this:
stock GiveUserMoney(playerid, amount)
	GivePlayerMoney(playerid, amount);
	pScriptMoney[playerid] += amount;
	if(pScriptMoney[playerid] < 0)
	  TextDrawColor(MoneyText[playerid], 0x9C1619FF);
		format(string, sizeof(string), "%d", -1*pScriptMoney[playerid]);
	  TextDrawColor(MoneyText[playerid], 0x2E5725FF);
	  format(string, sizeof(string), "%d", pScriptMoney[playerid]);
	TextDrawSetString(MoneyText[playerid], string);
It works and it changes the color, but im not sure if this is the best method to do it, because every time a player gets/loses money the color changes and a string is set. I think its to complex for the server, exspecially if many players are online. So i asked you if there is any other way to do it?

It shouldn't be a problem if it's only called when the stock is used. If it was in a timer/loop it might be another matter, but I don't think it will cause any harm.

Ok thanks for your answear. As you alreay said, its only used when the stock is called and the stock gets called where normally you use GivePlayerMoney. So everytime a player uses a special command like /pay, /deposit, /withdraw its called. Theres no need to use it in loops, but it could get called if a player uses the sprunk machine (ill just check if the player loses 1$) and then remove some health and give the Player 1$.
stock GetUserMoney(playerid)
	return pScriptMoney[playerid];
But i dont think this happens so often. If the others has the same opinion, i think theres no need to change my code

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