SA:MP Twitch Stream because theres not alot

Not enough people stream SA:MP so I'm gonna stream it, if you have any questions on what server I play on, or if you want me to play on your server and stream ((But I wont be advertising no server info will show)) just hit me up on steam, my steam name is Sugar, the picture for my name says "ViS" just add me and let me know, I'm doing this because I never see samp streams

I've done some on *******, how-ever the quality was awful. Which, I now know I can rule that out. I might give twitch a try, how-ever I don't really like how you have to download all this extra shit just to stream.

It should be decent as long as you aren't streaming an RP server!

What's the point of watching a SA-MP stream instead of playing yourself? SA-MP is not a game for streaming, really.

Originally Posted by [Twixx]
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What's the point of watching a SA-MP stream instead of playing yourself? SA-MP is not a game for streaming, really.
I'd probably say the same, unless you're good at dueling and you're doing some good duels.

I've actually tried this before, as I am a well known CoD streamer I thought I could boost the popularity. I had around 2k watching, but it got boring after a bit and alot of them got bored. But atleast we got some new people!

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