[FilterScript] Random Race Generator (RouteConnector Contest) --- Create randomized races dynamically!

Nice race system i've ever seen, I'll try to test out and will find some bugs if there are.

Great Job!


Thanks for all the kind responses!

Originally Posted by Zitteke
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Great job, Basssiiie

(It's vice, lol)
Hi Vice, good to see you!

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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still no update?
I'm sorry, it's finally here. I hope you like it!

Originally Posted by Inn0cent
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Nice race system i've ever seen, I'll try to test out and will find some bugs if there are.
Thanks! I would love to hear what you find out.

Update v1.2

Finally it is here! Update 1.2. It took some time (10 months), but I hope it was worth the wait.

Main features:
  • Invites - you can invite friends to your races, simply by using '/rrg invite [name]'.
  • Private races - when you start a private race, no-one without on invite can join.
  • Visual overlay - during races, a visual overlay will keep track of your current checkpoint and race position.
  • Command overhaul - all the commands are now more consistent; by typing '/rrg', you can get access to all the commands in the script.
  • Include support - the race script isn't yet up to your taste? Add your own functionalities by including the script and extending its possibilities!
  • Bugfixes - lots of bugs have been fixed and compatibility has been improved.

Download and full changelog in the first post.

LOL I thought this was about your national race(black, white, hispanic), good work though.


Awesome release.

one question. I made a car repair function on pressing the submission button (2). How can I make it NOT work when in a race?

This looks amazing
Impressive release!

Originally Posted by Basssiiie
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You could either use the new include system, which gives great control over the race script.
forward onPlayerJoinRace(playerid, raceid);

That's what I was searching for, but didn't find it at start. I guess it's problem solved. You're brilliant.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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forward onPlayerJoinRace(playerid, raceid);

That's what I was searching for, but didn't find it at start. I guess it's problem solved. You're brilliant.
Great to hear you are using the include system! If you think anything could be improved, just let me know. By the way, you can also use getPlayerRace(playerid) to check if the player is in any race. It will return -1 if not, and any other number if the player is in a race.

Originally Posted by Basssiiie
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Great to hear you are using the include system! If you think anything could be improved, just let me know. By the way, you can also use getPlayerRace(playerid) to check if the player is in any race. It will return -1 if not, and any other number if the player is in a race.
Yeah, I've studied the document and I want to build an entire admin system around it. I want to make server sided money with all the scripts. But I am thinking about, either using this method (included in a script), or use it as a gm and put everything around it. The code is pretty big, and the server I'm working for is not just about racing.

And speaking of improvements, I don't know if it's easy to implement but some people would use a callback for when a player passes another player (he switches his place with another one). I saw a script yesterday with a 3d speedometer and I thought about NFS games. Players would have their place number attached to them all the time and it would change when they pass or get passed by. Maybe you could implement that yourself, idk. It's just an idea.

Good point! I will look into it. At the moment, internally, the current positions are only checked (and changed) if one of the contestants hits a checkpoint, but maybe it's better to put it in a 250ms timer or something. Not sure though. Attaching a new callback to it shouldn't be a big problem though in either scenario.

If it causes no lag, than sure, but I would make that 0.5 seconds. The players won't be paying attention on how fast their position gets updated in mid race.
Plus, if they have a slow internet, they will experience latency anyway. I'd keep a lower amount of work for the server unit.

Anyway, how do you suggest I use your script for a stunt/race/dm/freeroam server? Included in another fs, or start with it as a gm, and build around it?

I'll look into more ways of improvement.

Epic!!!!!! Good job!

[04:02:42] Loading plugin: RouteConnectorPlugin.so
[04:02:42] Failed (libtbb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[04:02:42] Loading plugin: streamer.so

any idea how to fix it on linux server tell me where to put this libtbb.so.2


v1.2.1 released!

After years of inactivity, I released a minor update where I fixed one bug. I also put the whole thing onto GitHub, which you can find here. I might add some more features in the future if there's still interest in this script.

Originally Posted by malikmna
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[04:02:42] Loading plugin: RouteConnectorPlugin.so
[04:02:42] Failed (libtbb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[04:02:42] Loading plugin: streamer.so

any idea how to fix it on linux server tell me where to put this libtbb.so.2
Make sure your Linux server has IntelTBB installed. Gamer_Z, the maker of RouteConnector plugin, says in his topic this:


IntelTBB missing on linux?


download the linux binaries and install the 'ia32' redistribution.

sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev
sudo apt-get install libtbb2
Good luck!

Its really good see you keep updating this.

Is good to have an old member keep using this.


I love your fs !

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