29.05.2014, 12:15

Hello sa-mp forums! my name is pds2k12 and my working partner iZN, big ups! Alright we will accept many signatures today and we'll make it as beautiful as we can, here are some example of signatures we have made for you people! I hope you like it, please no rude comments or I will not design you a logo from PAINT, PAINT ey? sounds like we don't need photoshop or any good tools out there, we're pro and we use PAINT we are the real GFX designer!.
Background: None if you don't want any shits.
Render: None if you don't want any shits.
Signature Size:
What are you waiting for post your request NOW!
- This is made because a lot of people creating threads about graphics designing and it spammed Everything and Nothing section with bunch of bullshit, thank you!