SAMP.exe - Parameters


Fisrt: sorry for my bad English.

So, I saw a topic about the SAMP.exe's paramteres, but it isn't help for me. I'd like connect to server without open samp.exe's interface. Formery I've got paramters, that work. But nowdays doesn't work, with SAMP 0.3z.

The best option is: with paramters I can give the server IP, PORT, and the player's name, but is it enough, if I can give the server's IP and it's PORt, because I edit the name in registry.

So, if anyone knows these parameters, please describe in a comment.

Thanks in advance for any help,

use this on web-browser: samp://youriport. - If you mean this.

Formery I use this, but I hate it, because if I use this, the SAMP.exe opens a windows, and offer three options:
  1. Add server to favourites
  2. Connect to server
  3. Cancel
And I now looking for paramters, which are connect to server without open any windows. So I'd like the client starts immediately with the given IP address.

Originally Posted by Dfoglalo
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Formery I use this, but I hate it, because if I use this, the SAMP.exe opens a windows, and offer three options:
  1. Add server to favourites
  2. Connect to server
  3. Cancel
And I now looking for paramters, which are connect to server without open any windows. So I'd like the client starts immediately with the given IP address.
Hmm, i think that's not possible ! :/

I think it, too. :/

Plus information: if I remember correctly, these old parameters are work long ago:

-c -h -p 1234 -n "Name"
But nowdays if I use this, the name doesn't work, and I connect to localhost ( instead of to given IP address (

AFAIK the parameters are:
samp.exe [host]:[port] [password]
but i am unsure about player name.


Really that simple?
Really that simple!

Thank you very much.

Oh, and the player's name isn't problem, because:

Originally Posted by Dfoglalo
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I edit the name in registry.

...and my English is not so bad according to these.

don't put " around nick name, or it won't work, don't know why ur connecting to localhost though

-c -n nick -h host -p port -w password
I know that it works for sure, and tested it, if you do the parameters in that order.

I tested with " and without ", too. But none of them worked. And now tested your code in my server, but it doesn't work, too. With your code the player's name change to "(0)" with " and without ", too. But it also ture that the server doesn't got password.

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