
For some reason OnPlayerTakeDamage always returns 1 for the bodypart. It used to work perfectly but it doesn't anymore...All I have in that callback is a format and a SendClientMessage for debugging. Is it my script or a new SAMP bug maybe?

Originally Posted by mirou123
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For some reason OnPlayerTakeDamage always returns 1 for the bodypart. It used to work perfectly but it doesn't anymore...All I have in that callback is a format and a SendClientMessage for debugging. Is it my script or a new SAMP bug maybe?
And you expect us to guess your script I take it? Posting the issue where it is would be nice =3

Are you fucking kidding me? -_- I told you I don't have anything in that callback. What am I supposed to post? Either be nice or don't reply on my topics. I didn't force you to answer. Oh, and stop stealing ******' quotes. It's everywhere that its not even funny anymore.

Uh make sure you are defining the body parts IDs.
More info - https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Body_Parts

They are already defined in fixes.inc which I'm using. But thanks anyway. +rep'ed

Try run your script without fixes.inc

fixes.inc is made to fix some common SAMP bugs so I doubt it will cause any problems. However I removed it but I still got the same problem.

Sorry for double posting but the YSI library is causing it. I made a blank script and placed the includes I'm using and started testing each include and the ones that are affacting OnPlayerTakeDamage are YSI/y_ini and YSI/y_commands. Am I the only one having this problem? and how can I fix it?

EDIT: Never mind I fixed it. Not sure how but I did

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