Help needed

Hello, I'm a beginner in scripting, ALL SCRIPTING, so i would like to learn scripting in a free way, on *******, I would like to know a good ******* channel teaching Pawno scripting.

To be completely honest, your best bet is downloading a gamemode from the Gamemode Releases and really looking at the code is your best bet. Also check out the Tutorial Section. If you have any questions or need some help shoot me a PM

You can also shoot me a PM too if you have any question about it. I learned from someone on this forum so I am more than happy to help someone getting into it. Also, you could message me on skype too, I usually check it every day. Skype: kill_bob_saget

The SA:MP wiki (****** for it!) was really useful for myself to learn a few bits and bobs, alongside doing what was said above by downloading existing scripts.

There's some on ******* but there's so many things to teach its best to look and learn yourself.

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