17.05.2014, 17:40
[debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[debug] Accessing element at index 10 past array upper bound 9
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 00066fb0 in ?? (0x00000001, 0x05f92ad4) from lsrp.amx
[debug] #1 0009a534 in public LoadDynamicHouses () from lsrp.amx
Okay, so I keep getting this error while I start my server. I tried to figure out where the problem was but I didn't succeed. What I noticed is that if I empty the "houses" table it doesn't return the error anymore. I checked and rechecked the table,but it seems legit. Anyone has any ideas ?
Below is the code.
[debug] Accessing element at index 10 past array upper bound 9
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 00066fb0 in ?? (0x00000001, 0x05f92ad4) from lsrp.amx
[debug] #1 0009a534 in public LoadDynamicHouses () from lsrp.amx
Okay, so I keep getting this error while I start my server. I tried to figure out where the problem was but I didn't succeed. What I noticed is that if I empty the "houses" table it doesn't return the error anymore. I checked and rechecked the table,but it seems legit. Anyone has any ideas ?
Below is the code.
pawn Код:
public LoadDynamicHouses()
new rows, fields;
new total = 0, house = 1, weapons[256];
cache_get_data(rows, fields);
while(total < rows)
HouseInfo[house][hID] = cache_get_row_int(total, 0);
HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX] = cache_get_row_float(total, 1);
HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY] = cache_get_row_float(total, 2);
HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ] = cache_get_row_float(total, 3);
HouseInfo[house][hExitX] = cache_get_row_float(total, 4);
HouseInfo[house][hExitY] = cache_get_row_float(total, 5);
HouseInfo[house][hExitZ] = cache_get_row_float(total, 6);
cache_get_row(total, 7, HouseInfo[house][hInfo], dbHandle, 128);
cache_get_row(total, 8, HouseInfo[house][hOwner], dbHandle, 128);
HouseInfo[house][hOwned] = cache_get_row_int(total, 9);
HouseInfo[house][hLocked] = cache_get_row_int(total, 10);
HouseInfo[house][hPrice] = cache_get_row_int(total, 11);
HouseInfo[house][hLevelbuy] = cache_get_row_int(total, 12);
HouseInfo[house][hRentprice] = cache_get_row_int(total, 13);
HouseInfo[house][hRentable] = cache_get_row_int(total, 14);
HouseInfo[house][hInterior] = cache_get_row_int(total, 15);
HouseInfo[house][hWorld] = cache_get_row_int(total, 16);
HouseInfo[house][hCash] = cache_get_row_int(total, 17);
HouseInfo[house][hFurnitures] = cache_get_row_int(total, 18);
cache_get_row(total, 19, weapons, dbHandle, 128);
HouseInfo[house][hCheckPosX] = cache_get_row_float(total, 20);
HouseInfo[house][hCheckPosY] = cache_get_row_float(total, 21);
HouseInfo[house][hCheckPosZ] = cache_get_row_float(total, 22);
HouseInfo[house][hRadio] = cache_get_row_int(total, 23);
HouseInfo[house][hHouseOn] = 1;
AssignHouseWeapons(house, weapons);
if(HouseInfo[house][hOwned] == 0)
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "House: %d\n%s\nPrice: $%d\nLevel: %d", house, HouseInfo[house][hInfo], HouseInfo[house][hPrice], HouseInfo[house][hLevelbuy]);
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "House: %d\n%s", house, HouseInfo[house][hInfo]);
HouseInfo[house][hLabel] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(msg, COLOR_HOUSE, HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ], 3.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);
HouseInfo[house][hCheckPoint] = CreateDynamicCP(HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ], 1.5, -1, -1, -1, 2.0);
if(HouseInfo[house][hFurnitures] > 0)
format(msg,sizeof(msg), "Loaded %d dynamic houses from MySQL.", total);
return 1;