Server have attack in HOSTED TAB

Various servers have attacks of querys, the name of server appear 1 sec in List HOSTED TAB and before change name, mapname, mode etc to a server "unknow" help please!

PD: im donґt talk english

Or you just have an error loading your gamemode? Post server_log if you are a server owner

I think you have a problem with your script man ! post your logs.

There is an issue within your game mode. Have you set the correct name in your server.cfg and have you compiled the game mode without having errors?

No guys is a problem of my server and 10 servers in spanish, an attack is

I think you are probably better off posting in the your language forum, (spanish?) really hard to understand.

If your favourite servers are under attack, or have high pings, there is very little you can do I'm afraid.

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