Which Gamemode is better?

Hello Guys, I think i need your suggestion for to chose great gamemode for my server.In your opinion which gamemode is good from below here:

Trucking | Flying [ Aviation] | TDM | RolePlay?

Its too needed for me :P Thank you.

For me it's
All of them :P
I recommend Trucking or Roleplay.

Haha dude, I mean which will be better to host? and which from I will get more players online regularly ?

It really depends on the quality of your gamemode. If the gamemode sucks, you won't get any players.

It depends on the script you have for each game mode.

Roleplay - You will only get players if you're active as an owner, you provide updates ATLEAST twice a week and are able to host a good thorough working server without any flaws.

Trucking - You will get players if there are lots of jobs available to do. Doing the same route over and over will get very tedious, very quickly. Make sure to have a large variety of routes.

Flying - Very similar to the trucking... If you have a large variation of tasks to complete, not just flying, but something liked loading baggage onto the plane, etc, you'll do fine.

TDM - There needs to be enough players to have an equally balance team. There is no point have a 2 v 1 player base. You need to make the script/version appealing to the audience (players) and I'm sure they'll bring their friends to participate.

Just make sure you're active and have something new to show the community.

Thanks guys. Any more vote?

Wouldnt a good game mode for YOUR server be one that YOU like? Or is this a "what gamemode makes me the most money in donations" kinda question?

TDM Gets You Alot Of Players
Because People Love Team Deathmatch

To be honest its what YOU want.
I would say if you want fun, stunts and some other mad stuff use Freeroam
If you want to be realistic and play a role of a character or do stuff like irl use roleplay
Sam again, if you want to be realistic use a gamemode like trucking or pilot

Or depending on how this thread is, and you want loads of money or players, do TDM. Remember ,its not just the gamemode, its the webste/forum and how the whole thing is run. Your Choice. Your Game.

Trucking/Flying. And I'll add one more "Cops And Robbers"

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