Depends if you are talking about Linux 100%, or Windows running a Linux VM, or Linux running a Windows VM.
When samp03svr is running on my 100% Linux system;
The process samp03svr (with pid 30537) is using approximately 6.9 MB of memory.
It is using 6.8 MB privately, and a further 1244.0 KB that is, or could be, shared with other programs.
Dividing up the shared memory between all the processes sharing that memory we get a reduced shared memory usage of 105.0 KB. Adding that to the private usage, we get the above mentioned total memory footprint of 6.9 MB.
Library Usage
The memory usage of a process is found by adding up the memory usage of each of its libraries, plus the process's own heap, stack and any other mappings, plus the stack of its one other thread.
6444 KB [heap]
372 KB /media/drive_d/samp03/samp03svr
28 KB /media/drive_d/samp03/plugins/
20 KB /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
16 KB /media/drive_d/samp03/plugins/
608 KB /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
388 KB /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
108 KB /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
68 KB /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
24 KB /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
Private 6964 KB (= 364 KB clean + 6600 KB dirty)
Shared 1244 KB (= 1244 KB clean + 0 KB dirty)
Rss 8208 KB (= Private + Shared)
Pss 7069 KB (= Private + Shared/Number of Processes)
Swap 0 KB
Results will vary due to number of users online, plugins, etc.. Compare this to Windows and see if you get better results. I don't have any Windows benchmarks to share with you.
This is quickly turning into which OS is better topic. That is a choice left up to the individual not a public opinion, but I gave up on Microsoft back when
Microsoft lied to their customers. I continued to use XP until I fully was migrated into Linux. If you have a solid product, you don't need to make commercials like that one.