Prefered SQL Plugin?


Just a simple question.

If you were to start another GM, which SQL plugin would you use?


BlueG's. The others aren't even worth looking into.

BlueG's, the best.

I always prefer BlueG's plugin, it's so far best, and fastest plugin (IF you use threaded queries).

BlueG's :3 It's the fastest as far as I know


I was looking at using BlueG's just thought I'd grab some opinions first.

Don't know anything about threaded queries but do want to learn... Best place to read up about them in a sa-mp situation?


BlueG's one, the best and the most popular arround SAMP.

And he doesn't have to know how to use threading if he uses the plugin in R6 or below.
But it's highly recommended to use threading : better performances, less crashes and less problems. I also don't know what threads were until I used the plugin and I understood the global way of work.

A thread is a separate process from samp-server's one, means that a threaded query doesn't wait for the previous queries to be over to do what it has to do.
Imagine a day, you fail in your save query, no queries could be runned after the first bugged query is launched until the query is debugged, but with threading, you don't have to worry about it.

I'm not a threading expert, and I'm far away from this title, but I can make good work with things I know.

Originally Posted by S4t3K
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BlueG's one, the best and the most popular arround SAMP.

And he doesn't have to know how to use threading if he uses the plugin in R6 or below.
But it's highly recommended to use threading : better performances, less crashes and less problems. I also don't know what threads were until I used the plugin and I understood the global way of work.

A thread is a separate process from samp-server's one, means that a threaded query doesn't wait for the previous queries to be over to do what it has to do.
Imagine a day, you fail in your save query, no queries could be runned after the first bugged query is launched until the query is debugged, but with threading, you don't have to worry about it.

I'm not a threading expert, and I'm far away from this title, but I can make good work with things I know.
You can use non thread queries in R33+ versions of BlueG's plugin.

Indeed, you can, but what's the point ?

I mean, it's like you buy the last iPhone (5S in France) but you don't use either the A7 CPU or the fingerprint unlocking option : it's wasting.

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