[Map] Realistic Church [V1.0]

This is great, good work!

I'm not much of a mapper so I usually have to rely on others to do it for me

Think I'll put this on, and anything else you do, let me know, I'd love to see!

This is quite nice, I like it. Though if I have to give some kind of constructive feedback, I'd say that the area around the church itself could have some more decoration.

VinLoman has a point, the surroundings around the church could be improved into making it seem like a church belongs there, but otherwise fantastic mapping mate

Russian - Хм... Очень даже странно! Кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь видел стоянку на территории церкви? Лично я - нет! Неподалёку - да, а на территории - нет! Возле церкви растут: трава, цветы, кусты, деревья, а не машины стоят.

English - Hmm ... A very strange! Anybody ever seen a parking lot at the church? Personally, I - no! Close - yes, but in the territory - no! Near the church grow: grass, flowers, shrubs, trees, and cars are not.

Keep it up bro It's awesome

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