Line too long

What's wrong with this? I put it all on one line but my pawno crashes.

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), ""White"Kitchen Sink ("Green"$%d"White")\nKitchen Sink 2 ("Green"$%d"White")\nKitchen Sink 3 ("Green"$%d"White")\nCooker ("Green"$%d"White")\nCooker 2 ("Green"$%d"White")\nWashing Machine ("Green"$%d"White")\nWashing Machine 2 ("Green"$%d"White")\n", KitSink, KitSink2, KitSink3, Cooker, Cooker2, Washer, Washer2);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%sFridge ("Green"$%d"White")\nFryer ("Green"$%d"White")", string, Fridge, Fryer);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_FURNI2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""Green"Furniture & Supplies", string, "Purchase", "Next");
It shows the line up until half of the word Cooker and my string is set as 128 so should be okay..

What are the numerals supposed to be? Object IDs?


Kitchen Sink \nKitchen Sink 2 \nKitchen Sink 3 \nCooker \nCooker 2 \nWashing Machine \nWashing Machine 2 \n",

Is 109 letters, 92 without the \n seperators so object IDs (usually more than 4 digits) will cause your string length to exceed it's defined size.

pawn Код:
new string[500];
format(string, sizeof(string),
""White"Kitchen Sink ("Green"$%d"White")\nKitchen Sink 2 ("Green"$%d"White")\nKitchen Sink 3 ("Green"$%d"White")\nCooker ("Green"$%d"White")\nCooker 2 ("Green"$%d"White")\nWashing Machine ("Green"$%d"White")\nWashing Machine 2 ("Green"$%d"White")\n", KitSink, KitSink2, KitSink3, Cooker, Cooker2, Washer, Washer2);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%sFridge ("Green"$%d"White")\nFryer ("Green"$%d"White")", string, Fridge, Fryer);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_FURNI2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""Green"Furniture & Supplies", string, "Purchase", "Next");

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