Question about Fedex

Hello Samp Members,

So my laptop broke because some of the screws got broken and it moved the parts of the laptop so now i actually need a new cover. So when i asked for support from Toshiba on their site they gave me a option to send it by myself or by Fedex so ofc i chosen Fedex but now my problem is i don't know how Fedex will tell me that they are on their way or how will i know when they will come to pick up my laptop for fixing any ideas? its my first time using that company.


You have to schedule a pickup on FedEx's website and they will come at that time and day. I suggest staying home and waiting until they come because a laptop is expensive.

Call them and ask them?

Visit their website and get support there .

i payed for it via Toshiba website as i said above and they didn't send me anything and they got the cash does Toshiba suppose to arrange the date and time? and the thing with the computer costed 24 bucks for delivery and i am waiting and i payed for the back and fourth so how can i know if i didn't get anything yet?

Just call them.

Ask Toshiba...

Hello and welcome to the Fedex's Official website. All your Fedex related questions are answered here.

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