Fuel Consumption

I'd like to ask you guys how you'd like to see fuel consumption on an RP server? Like, how would you like it to work?

idk, how else can it work? lol

Well, i'm talking MPG, and fuel capacities etc.

well you don't want people going around the map on a single tank of gas..but it is a game, so anything reasonable..

imo, opinions should be in everything and nothing rather than discussions (just a more suitable area)

It should depend on how big the car is. Just like real life.

A bigger engine consumes more fuel.

How about the fuel tank sizes as Kyle said.
And terrain differences. Sandy terrains use more fuel than for example city terrain.

Seems to be interesting, Nice idea.

You could try changing fuel consumption according to speed. Too less makes car more hungry, and too much does the same.

You could add so players can buy
a larger fuel tank too if you would like to.

On the other bit: I agree with KyleSmith.

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