26.04.2014, 21:48
Последний раз редактировалось alexanderjb918; 27.04.2014 в 15:01.
Latest Administrator Commands System
Hello today i'm posting new administrator commands systems with new commands and flags.you can do /ah to see all cmds.
This administrator system is made by me. I do hard work on it and finaly i made it on some days. Command System
In this commands system you can do everything like you can give owner commands to moderator etc....
Do /makeadmin [ID]
then a dialog will appear which shows you all commands.Then in that dialog you can set admin commands to any player. The is a Option to give [On] commands and Take [Off] commands.

This Administrator System has +4000 Admin commands/flags.
there is a Cmd : /setadmintitle [ID] [Title].
here is like 25 admin level with suitable commands.
Like refund Commands for refund Administrator: /setstat , /createpcar Etc.
Family commands for Family administrator.
Administrator commands for Administrator.
Server Manager commands for Server Manager.

Now Click on Administrator Level section

Now Click on Firearm Refunder Level section

Now Click on House Administrator Level section

Now Click on IRL Administrator Level section

Now Click on Biz Administrator Level section

Now Click on Server Manager Level section

Now Click on Developer Level section

and many more Cmds with more Administrator Level ....
Here is Download link of Pwn: : https://www.mediafire.com/?8dl7rf4yd51gt4d
If you like it +Rep me