To stcrat

Can someone please help me convert this to strcat?

	    SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"You can also use /Stats (Playerid)");
		format(String,sizeof(String), 	""COL_CYAN"%s (ID: %d)\n\n\
										"COL_CYAN"General: \n\
										"COL_CYAN"Team: %s\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Class: %s\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Rank: %s (%d / 15)\n\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Score: \n\
										"COL_CYAN"PT Score: %d\n\n\
										"COL_CYAN"DM Score: %d\n\n\
										"COL_CYAN"KD Ratio: %0.2f\n\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Admin Level: %d %s\n\
										"COL_CYAN"V.I.P Level: %d %s\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Skin: %d\n\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Interior: %d\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Virtual World: %d\n\
										"COL_WHITE"Ping: %d\n\
										"COL_CYAN"Admin Level: %d %s\n\n\
										"COL_WHITE"Time: (%d) Hours (%d) Minutes (%d) Seconds",
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3564, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player Stats:", String, "CLOSE", "");
Because everytime I compile it says not responding. If you every know why it says not responding can you also please tell me whats the problem?

it could be anything : too much errors , unclosed braces or else...

Just use format twice.
pawn Код:
// edit the text and the arguments.
format(String,sizeof(String), "...", ...);
format(String,sizeof(String), "%s ...", String, ...); // inserts the previous text into this one
The line is too long that's why the compiler is not responding. By the way, you don't need to use COL_CYAN everytime. It will use that color on the next line so doing that is just a waste of characters.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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Just use format twice.
pawn Код:
// edit the text and the arguments.
format(String,sizeof(String), "...", ...);
format(String,sizeof(String), "%s ...", String, ...); // inserts the previous text into this one
The line is too long that's why the compiler is not responding. By the way, you don't need to use COL_CYAN everytime. It will use that color on the next line so doing that is just a waste of characters.
Why not strcat? is there any different and much better? Also can you please give me sample how it would be? then i'll continue the rest.

Like Konstantinos said, remove all unnecessary COL_CYAN and put the string in a seperate line and you are under 500 chars
pawn Код:
// that will compile if you aren't changing any line
    COL_CYAN "\
    %s (ID: %d)\n\n\
    General: \n\
    Team: %s\n\
    Class: %s\n\
    Rank: %s (%d / 15)\n\n\
    Score: \n\
    PT Score: %d\n\n\
    DM Score: %d\n\n\
    KD Ratio: %0.2f\n\n\
    Admin Level: %d %s\n\
    V.I.P Level: %d %s\n\
    Skin: %d\n\n\
    Interior: %d\n\
    Virtual World: %d\n"
    Ping: %d\n"
    Admin Level: %d %s\n\n"
    Time: (%d) Hours (%d) Minutes (%d) Seconds"

    , PlayerName(playerid), playerid, GetPlayerPing(playerid), GetPlayerScore(playerid), s_1
    , Rank[playerid], pInfo[playerid][Hours], pInfo[playerid][Minutes], pInfo[playerid][Seconds]
    , pInfo[playerid][Kills], pInfo[playerid][Deaths], ratio, s_5, s_2, pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel]
    , s_3, pInfo[playerid][VIPlevel], s_4

Why would you like to call strcat 2 times when it's not necessary since you can insert the string into the 2d format?

I would but your arguments are messed up.

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