[Tool/Web/Other] [FEEDBACK] SA:MP in game server browser

What do you guys think about making in game server browser? Imagine disconnecting from and reconnecting to the server without restarting gta. It won't be so much work, but it will require an update every new client release.

I want to know your opinion, because I'm pretty much sure I can do that and also any help and ideas on this project will be greatly appreciated.

If this involves memory hacking, you may not do this.
Otherwise, sure, I would use that!

Originally Posted by Strawhats
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If this involves memory hacking, you may not do this.
Otherwise, sure, I would use that!
Thanks for the response!

I need to explain some things:

- This will be client side plugin ofc

- Without memory hacking (accesing/reading/modifying) it won't be possible to do it. SA:MP like other mods (MTA, VC:MP, etc.) is based on memory hacking and there would be no single mod for GTA without dealing with game process memory, because R* does not support any kind of mod/plugin. I need to access gta memory even if I want to just draw a damn square using DirectX (not talking about overlay rendering).

- This won't be server plugin. Developers say to avoid memory hacking plugins for servers: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=128338 (it seems like this post was modified recently), but this doesn't apply to client/gta process.

Well good luck then! Hopefully others might like it aswell!

I like the idea really much.
The bad thing would be that hackers are able to hack your server way easier..

When a server kicks someone he would be able to access the server right away.
The reason for a "kick" is he has to reconnect again.

Then they should make a feature where you can choose to "kick" a player or make him able to reconnect straight away from the game. That's my opinion, and I will use it if it's fully legal and bug free.

Originally Posted by EmilLykke
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I like the idea really much.
The bad thing would be that hackers are able to hack your server way easier..

When a server kicks someone he would be able to access the server right away.
The reason for a "kick" is he has to reconnect again.

Then they should make a feature where you can choose to "kick" a player or make him able to reconnect straight away from the game. That's my opinion, and I will use it if it's fully legal and bug free.
I will make a detection whether server closes the connection for a player and if that's the case he won't be able to reconnect just after kick or ban to that particular server, (s)he will has to wait like 30-40 seconds.
Thanks for pointing this out!


Sounds cool!, give it a try!.

Sounds good, good luck.

Why was this removed? Is it something bad or what? I still have it so if it was removed for something bad I won't use it, if not, I can post a link to my upload...

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