just little help

does anyone know of a mysql hoster so i can fill this thing out

#define SQL_HOST "..."
#define SQL_USER "..."
#define SQL_PASS "..."
#define SQL_DB "..."

Try your own network, and make sure everything works first before changing it to a professional hoster. -- localhost would go in the SQL_HOST part.

when i put it there it still says that it could not connect to the db

there is alot of free mysql hosting

here one which i use " www.mysq.lcs-hosting.eu"
or use wamp and xampp

i have wamp but i dont know how connect it.

first of all open your wamp and wait until it's green,second go to your browser and type : localhost/phpmyadmin then click enter, after that put the username as : root and no password and click enter. now click on databases you will find : create database
at that place type the name of database you want like : sa-mp then click enter, now you made the database you can define those settings:
#define SQL_HOST "..."
#define SQL_USER "..."
#define SQL_PASS "..."
#define SQL_DB "..."
they should be :
#define SQL_HOST "localhost"
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS ""
#define SQL_DB "thedatabaseyoujustmade"

Great!! now it connects but it says could not retrive field - shuting down server, any idea how to fix that??

You need to create the appropriate fields for each table.

can you give a example

You can either create them via the mode (by executing a query) - an example: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` (`userid` int(7) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,`username` varchar(24) NOT NULL,`password` varchar(129) NOT NULL...

or create them via a tool such as phpMyAdmin (recommended).

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