Own Vehicle Plate + Define Score As Money

Hi, I would want to add own vehicle plate called 'SANDI' to those lines here, but im not sure how to do it. Here are the lines:

Vehicle = AddStaticVehicle(411,283.4768,-1160.4822,80.5697,43.9143,6,6); // InfernusSandi
Vehicle = AddStaticVehicle(463,287.1158,-1155.5471,80.4694,44.5693,0,0); // FreewaySandi
Plus I would want money of players shown as score. How do you do that?

Thanks And Regards.

//edit: If possible, would someone be kind and give me a ready code for /spec id and /specoff? Thx

pawn Код:
SetVehicleNumberPlate(Vehicle, "SANDI");
Its vital you use SetVehicleToRespawn

But does it respawn automatically or after some time? If after some time, where can I set it?

//edit: And does anybody know how to make score to show money and how do to /spec commands?

When the server is restarted or started, It automatically respawns, After that it never respawns unless you use AddStaticVehicleEx or CreateVehicle,
As for the spec, Theres a adminspec.amx that comes with the server package, Should be a .pwn also

Thx, but can u do so the car respawns after 2 mins? And I want the /spec command for the players, not cars, because i want to spot cheaters.

//edit: Actually nevermind with that plate thing. How can i do a /spec command for admins and how can i do score so its money?

Please help...

Define score as money -
Look at the LVDM script for MoneyGrubScoreUpdate

For score:

pawn Код:
// OnGameModeInit
SetTimer("ScoreUpdate", 1000, 1);

// On the end of your script
forward ScoreUpdate();
public ScoreUpdate()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            SetPlayerScore(i, GetPlayerMoney(i));

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