Adminstrator Roaster

How do i make an adminstrator roaster command and it will check the ini file if player is admin it will listed to /adminlist

sorry for my bad english

Well for every player ini file, check the adminlevel, then add that name to a string. Very simple.

Originally Posted by Sithis
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Well for every player ini file, check the adminlevel, then add that name to a string. Very simple.
That's what he explained and ain't so simple as you think. If it is, why don't you show him?...

OT: What saving system you're using? MySQL or what? (INI, Dini, etc)

Originally Posted by Private200
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That's what he explained and ain't so simple as you think. If it is, why don't you show him?...

OT: What saving system you're using? MySQL or what? (INI, Dini, etc)
Mister obviously, probarly not MySQL. As he is asking for INI files.

Originally Posted by Sithis
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Well for every player ini file, check the adminlevel, then add that name to a string. Very simple.
Yea i know but whats the code?

Originally Posted by ChristianIvann09
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How do i make an adminstrator roaster command and it will check the ini file if player is admin it will listed to /adminlist

sorry for my bad english
Are you basically asking for an /admins command, but in a weird way? :P

Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
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Are you basically asking for an /admins command, but in a weird way? :P
No, its adminstrator roaster which you can see all of admins listed in .ini file when they are offline or online. Theres should be an code that can read the all .ini file if player is admin it will listed on the string. so im asking whats code

Something like this:

1.ADMINNAME || AdminRank

I'd suggest that you update the code manually as it would be a lot easier. Just use SendClientMessageEx as you're not going to making changes to your admin team daily, are you?

Originally Posted by SmithyComp
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I'd suggest that you update the code manually as it would be a lot easier. Just use SendClientMessageEx as you're not going to making changes to your admin team daily, are you?
EXACTLY, I think i will just update this into what im requesting. Soon!
or It will write the player name into that list when you /makeadmin and it will remove if you /makeadmin <playerid> 0

But whats the code??

I want it on Dialog.



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