Please help me. shows no health by other players

Hello, I have after installing windows 8.1 shows the health of other players. That just does not try. and pereustonavlival GTA and Carter client samp, or what not pomogaet.Hud tried me. did not help. Asked samp.dll friends. Still did not help. The elderly, who have 8.1 windows and displays health, please help. Thank you.) Translated translator. I'm Russian) not studied English) to understand how and everything else)

English please if you want to say something in some language other than English use the language section.

Speak english here..

Used ****** Translate and he got the 8.1 windows and it's not showing enemy player health bars

говорят на английском языке

I had the same problem and I solved it.

You have to upgrade your graphic drivers thanks to your computer provider's website. Do not download the drivers from your graphic card provider's website but from your computer's provider's one if you haven't modified your computer, it is always more effective. That's how I solved this problem.

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