Decent Cheap/Free MYSQL Host for SA-MP

Anyone got any suggestions?

Most hosts offer a free MySQL DB with the server - ask them, if you're homehosting or on your own Dedi/VPS it's not that difficut to setup MySQL yourself.

In most cases, it's best to have the MySQL DB on the same server as the SA-MP server that queries it due to latency, some badly written Game Modes dislike the latency between server and MySQL DB and will cause excessive server lag.

here are 2 free ones: &

I see.

No more Rockstar-Host for me. There packages are awesome for Godfather servers/non mysql. But for Moderntopia edits etc, looks like I'll need to go with something else.

So, serverffs should have mysql included?

Originally Posted by Hugh[
I see.

No more Rockstar-Host for me. There packages are awesome for Godfather servers/non mysql. But for Moderntopia edits etc, looks like I'll need to go with something else.

So, serverffs should have mysql included?
Take a look at this comparison of server hosts. All hosts with "DB" in the freebies column will have MySQL available to you at no extra cost.

Alright, sweet. Thanks for the help. KingJ, expect me to hit your site up with an order for a 100 Slot server soon enough.


There is it:
It is of my friend. Every user have 1 GB.

For what gamemodes use MySQL? I don`t undestand.. user accounts or what?

Originally Posted by Luka[
For what gamemodes use MySQL? I don`t undestand.. user accounts or what?
User accounts, game mode data.. anything you might store in files can go in MySQL

It's also great for getting stats and website integration. Want to get a list of all admins on the server and their last login time? Simple if all the data is in a database. If you had user accounts in individual files, with their admin status defined within the files, you'd have to check through every file to find who has admin. SQL makes it far easier to ask "questions" about the entire dataset.

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