[GameMode] [GM] TClan War/Training/Chill Script

.: Clan War/Training/Chill Server Script :.
Scripted by: Toniu_
[b]A perfect script for Clans,Gaming Communities !

Introduction :
Hi there, today I am realising a Clan Script. This Gamemode has been made for Clans, it includes Deathmatches, races, some stunts, teleports and more. As the title says you can organize Clan Wars with another Clan, practice shooting, or just chill with your Clan mates. There's plenty of things to do, one can try sky diving, and another can try racing. All commands may be found by typing a simple command " /help ". I am not in any Clan or anything so I don't know what guns do you guys use in clan wars, so just edit it to whatever you want I know there are some Clans that don't have a Scripter in their crew so I thought I will make something for them, easy to use and edit. By the way this is my first gamemode I am realising So Enjoy !

Features :
Alright, as I said above this gamemode has been made especially for Clans, I marked some points in the script that you should edit like, a texdraw to fit your own forums adress or such. There are 3 teams in this gamemode, Owner Team (Change it to your Clan Name) Visitor Team, and Spectators. Owners color is green with Groove skins, visitors are purple with ballaz skins and Spectators are yellow with Medic skins, it is all available and very easy to change, to fit your own Clan ! You can practice shooting on the four Deathmatches, each deathmatch is at different place, and has different guns, (As I said above, I am not in any clan so I don't know what guns do you guys use in Clan Wars, so just edit them ) There are also a Bazooka or Sniper Zone, propably not used in clan wars but you can always chill up there with your mates. I've also added some anims, to make your wars look better, this is much fun ! Just check it out, if you like it use it, if not fuck it. But if you're going to use it, don't forget to leave me some credits. I marked some points in the script that you are not allowed to remove, they are my credits .

Commands :
All Commands can be seen by typing a simple command /help
General : /heal /animlist
Deathmatches : /deagle /dm1-4 /sniper /bazooka /arena /minigun /batdm
Teleports : /ls /sf /lv /locolow /transf /waa /spawn
Races & Stunts : /race1 /race2 /race3 /skydiving

Credits :
-Cam for making SFTDM
-Toniu_ for adding over 600 lines
You can edit the script in any way you like to fit your own Clan, but never ever remove the Credits !!! Do NOT Re-Realise it and Do NOT Claim this as your own
I would like to see some comments down there :P
Installation :
1. Download the .pwn and .amx files
2.Place them in your Gamemodes folder
3.Add "TClanServ" infront of Gamemode in your server.cfg (e.g Gamemode0 TClanServ 1)

Note :
This script is pretty good for Clans, however its missing an Admin system, I had no time to make one, so I suggest you to download the SeifAdmin Filterscript
The script I made is not fully finished, I have no time to do it, but it's pretty OK as its now ! I will do some updates soon and add more stuff into it !
I have not fully tested it yet, so if there are some bugs, please report it via reply in this topic

Download :



Enjoy guys,

Found any bugs/exploits ? report it via reply in this topic

This looks pretty cool, good job

Originally Posted by Miokie*
This looks pretty cool, good job
Thanks, but Im just sad becuz of lack of comments here :P I've spent some time making this and I just want to appreciate it, as I see there's 32 downloads at the moment Lack of comments is making me feel like to stop realising my stuff xD

very nice

cool but you should add the /fly command

Originally Posted by Fresh9884
cool but you should add the /fly command
Yeah I know I just didn't have time to finish this script, maybe somewhen in the future I will try to update it :P but not for now

meh,nice but most ww clans play aad these days

Originally Posted by [SAK
Vikt0r ]
meh,nice but most ww clans play aad these days
Well maybe, I dunno as I said I am not introduced into a clan life at samp I am not in any clan so I don't know, but I think I am going to make something new

Very nice,but i left SA-MP,so i will not use it.


Well maybe one day you'll be back

Looks nice, good luck in updating in the future(if you will). Improvise and make it a perfect gamemode!

Thanks neoz

Yes I am going to update it but not now, I have a lot of shit to do with Royal RP also I've busy life
One day I will get back to that GM and will update it with a lot of new features, that's fo sho

By the way

Who wants a cookie ?!??!?! :O

Im da fuckin double poster now (((((

Sounds pritty cool i should check it out as i never see what peoples scripts are like these days but this sounds good so might have to peep

Originally Posted by Shady91
Sounds pritty cool i should check it out as i never see what peoples scripts are like these days but this sounds good so might have to peep
tHanks YO

So whatchu think about it ?
If you have any ideas to improve this script let me know :P
also if you found any bugs report it via reply in this topic aiight ?

Originally Posted by Toniu_
.: Clan War/Training/Chill Server Script :.
Scripted by: Toniu_
[b]A perfect script for Clans,Gaming Communities !

Introduction :
Hi there, today I am realising a Clan Script. This Gamemode has been made for Clans, it includes Deathmatches, races, some stunts, teleports and more. As the title says you can organize Clan Wars with another Clan, practice shooting, or just chill with your Clan mates. There's plenty of things to do, one can try sky diving, and another can try racing. All commands may be found by typing a simple command " /help ". I am not in any Clan or anything so I don't know what guns do you guys use in clan wars, so just edit it to whatever you want I know there are some Clans that don't have a Scripter in their crew so I thought I will make something for them, easy to use and edit. By the way this is my first gamemode I am realising So Enjoy !

Features :
Alright, as I said above this gamemode has been made especially for Clans, I marked some points in the script that you should edit like, a texdraw to fit your own forums adress or such. There are 3 teams in this gamemode, Owner Team (Change it to your Clan Name) Visitor Team, and Spectators. Owners color is green with Groove skins, visitors are purple with ballaz skins and Spectators are yellow with Medic skins, it is all available and very easy to change, to fit your own Clan ! You can practice shooting on the four Deathmatches, each deathmatch is at different place, and has different guns, (As I said above, I am not in any clan so I don't know what guns do you guys use in Clan Wars, so just edit them ) There are also a Bazooka or Sniper Zone, propably not used in clan wars but you can always chill up there with your mates. I've also added some anims, to make your wars look better, this is much fun ! Just check it out, if you like it use it, if not fuck it. But if you're going to use it, don't forget to leave me some credits. I marked some points in the script that you are not allowed to remove, they are my credits .

Commands :
All Commands can be seen by typing a simple command /help
General : /heal /animlist
Deathmatches : /deagle /dm1-4 /sniper /bazooka /arena /minigun /batdm
Teleports : /ls /sf /lv /locolow /transf /waa /spawn
Races & Stunts : /race1 /race2 /race3 /skydiving

Credits :
-Cam for making SFTDM
-Toniu_ for adding over 600 lines
You can edit the script in any way you like to fit your own Clan, but never ever remove the Credits !!! Do NOT Re-Realise it and Do NOT Claim this as your own
I would like to see some comments down there :P
Installation :
1. Download the .pwn and .amx files
2.Place them in your Gamemodes folder
3.Add "TClanServ" infront of Gamemode in your server.cfg (e.g Gamemode0 TClanServ 1)

Note :
This script is pretty good for Clans, however its missing an Admin system, I had no time to make one, so I suggest you to download the SeifAdmin Filterscript
The script I made is not fully finished, I have no time to do it, but it's pretty OK as its now ! I will do some updates soon and add more stuff into it !
I have not fully tested it yet, so if there are some bugs, please report it via reply in this topic

Download :




Originally Posted by MJVIEIRAJUNIOR!
Excuse me ? What are you trying to say ? huh ?
This ain't copy of anything, it's just highly edited SFTDM.
I didn't steal a shit from no-one. This is an original script, so don't act like a bitch and just start making your own !

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