my code wont link to my tutorial

How can i link this code to my tutorial without errors

else if(dialogid == REGISTERAGE)
				new stringdiag2[410];
				for(new x=1;x<11;x++)
					format(stringdiag2, sizeof(stringdiag2), "%s%d\n", stringdiag2, x);
	      		PlayerInfo[playerid][pAge] = listitem+18;
				PlayerInfo[playerid][pOrigin] = 0;
				format(string, sizeof(string), "Ok, so you are %d year old.",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAge]);
				SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{33CCFF}Tutorial", "Next", "");
				RegistrationStep[playerid] = 0;
trying to link it to

if(dialogid == DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL)
		if(response || !response)
			if(InsideTut[playerid] < 1)
				return 1;

				case 1:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 1);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 2);
					TutStep[playerid] = 2;

					// Los Santos Bank (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 1457.4854,-1011.5267,26.8438);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1457.4854,-1011.5267,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1457.5421,-1039.4404,28.4274);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1457.4854,-1011.5267,26.8438);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Project Los Angeles has several jobs you can do across the town.\n");
					strcat(str, "Look for the yellow i icons next to them for job information.\n");
					strcat(str, "This is the Wells Fargo Bank. Here you can use /withdraw & /deposit to manage your $.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you are bold you can /rob the bank! Lookout for the silent alarms and the cops!\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Managing Your Money", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 2:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 2);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 3);
					TutStep[playerid] = 3;

					// Los Santos ATM (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 2140.5173,-1163.9576,23.9922);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2140.5173,-1163.9576,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 2145.8252,-1159.2659,27.7218);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 2140.5173,-1163.9576,23.9922);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}There are dozens of ATMs around the city of LA.\n");
					strcat(str, "This are placed to make managing your money more convenient.\n");
					strcat(str, "You can use /atmwithdraw and /atmdeposit.\n");
					strcat(str, "You may also /awiretransfer for larger transactions between banks.\n");
					strcat(str, "There is a small service charge for using a ATM.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Managing Your Money", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 3:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 3);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 4);
					TutStep[playerid] = 4;

					// Fishing Pier (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 370.0804,-2087.8767,7.8359);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 370.0804,-2087.8767,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 423.3802,-2067.7915,29.8605);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 370.0804,-2087.8767,7.8359);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This is the fishing pier. It is located near verona beach.\n");
					strcat(str, "Here you can use /fish to start fishing.\n");
					strcat(str, "Each time you catch a fish you will be able to sell it and earn some money.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Making Money: Fishing", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 4:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 4);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 5);
					TutStep[playerid] = 5;

					// Ganton Gym (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 2229.4968,-1722.0701,13.5625);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2229.4968,-1722.0701,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 2211.1460,-1748.3909,29.3744);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 2229.4968,-1722.0701,13.5625);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This is the Ganton Gym. Here you can work out, box people,\n");
					strcat(str, " or become a bodyguard. If you win a boxing match you earn $.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you win enough matches you can become the LA Boxing Champion.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you accept the Bodyguard job you can become peoples personal\n");
					strcat(str, " guard. You can fix your own price to charge whatever you wish.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Bodyguard and Boxing", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 5:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 5);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 6);
					TutStep[playerid] = 6;

					// Arms Dealer (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 1366.1187,-1275.1248,13.5469);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1366.1187,-1275.1248,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1341.2936,-1294.8105,23.3096);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1366.1187,-1275.1248,13.5469);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This is the ammu-nation.\n Here you will find the arms dealer job.\n");
					strcat(str, "With this job you can make your own weapons and sell them.\n");
					strcat(str, "Before you can start making weapons and selling them you need");
					strcat(str, " to find mats.\n There is a mats store near the pizza shop. \n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Arms Dealer", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 6:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 6);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 7);
					TutStep[playerid] = 7;

					// Drugs Dealer (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 2167.5542,-1673.1503,15.0812);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2167.5542,-1673.1503,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 2186.2607,-1693.4254,29.5406);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 2167.5542,-1673.1503,15.0812);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This is the local drug house.\n");
					strcat(str, "With this job you can get seeds and plant drug plants.\n");
					strcat(str, "When the plant is fully grown you can then pick it, \n and");
					strcat(str, "then sell them to other players.\n");
					strcat(str, " You may also begin cooking heroin for selling or direct usage.\n");
					strcat(str, "There is also a new interactive way to sell to players by aiming (RMB) and clicking Y.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Drug Dealing", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 7:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 7);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 8);
					TutStep[playerid] = 8;

					// Drugs Smuggler (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 59.9634,-283.6652,1.5781);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 59.9634,-283.6652,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 96.4630,-216.5790,34.2965);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 59.9634,-283.6652,1.5781);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}The Smuggler job is a private job that is hidden in the city.\n");
					strcat(str, "Doing this job you can get a lot of money, really fast.\n");
					strcat(str, "It consists of picking up crates and delivering the contents \n");
					strcat(str, " to drug houses around LA. Be careful though, if the law catches \n");
					strcat(str, " you running these drugs you can do hard time.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Smuggler Job", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 8:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 8);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 9);
					TutStep[playerid] = 9;

					// LSPD (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, 1554.3381,-1675.5692,16.1953);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1554.3381,-1675.5692,-10.0);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1514.7783,-1700.2913,36.7506);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1554.3381,-1675.5692,16.1953);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}In Project Los Angeles there are 3 law enforcement factions.\n");
					strcat(str, "1. Los Angeles Police - patrols the City of Los Angeles.\n");
					strcat(str, "2. LA County Sheriff's Office - patrols the city and county of Los Angeles.\n");
					//strcat(str, "3. California Highway Patrol - enforces traffic laws around the highways of Los Angeles.\n");
					strcat(str, "3. Las Vegas Metro Police - enforces laws in Clark County and the City of Las Vegas.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you break the laws you may be placed in jail and/or fined.\n");
					strcat(str, "Check the forums for jobs @\n");
					strcat(str, "If you want to report a emergency, buy a cellphone and /call 911.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Law Enforcement", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 9:
				    new str[1024];
				    HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 9);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 10);
					TutStep[playerid] = 10;

					// All Saints (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1188.4574,-1309.2242,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}If you get injured, you can use /service ems to call for help.\n");
					strcat(str, "If EMS saves you before you pass out you may be able to keep your");
					strcat(str, " personal belongings without losing them.\n");
					strcat(str, " When a FD is hiring they will open applications on the forums.");
					strcat(str, " at\n");
					strcat(str, "If you want to report a emergency, buy a cellphone and /call 911.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Fire Departments", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 10:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 10);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 11);
					TutStep[playerid] = 11;

					// San Andreas News (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 643.6738,-1348.9811,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This is the Fox 11 News Station. They handle all the news and weather");
					strcat(str, " within Los Angeles.\n They report anything from gang riors and government corruption to bank robberies.\n");
					strcat(str, "They also hold live interviews that you can");
					strcat(str, " watch on your TV.\n If you want to apply for this faction, apply on the forums at");
					strcat(str, " \n If you want to sell items you can place a ad by using '/ad'.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Fox 11 News", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 11:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 11);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 12);
					TutStep[playerid] = 12;

					// Government (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1478.4708,-1754.7579,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This is City Hall. The Mayor and other government staff make all the decisions");
					strcat(str, " within Los Angeles. \n They make the laws, set taxes and pay city wages.\n");
					strcat(str, "This faction is not active and is managed by the Admins.\n");
					strcat(str, "You need to go here to get your drivers license after you begin.\n");
					strcat(str, "You can also donate your money to charity by using '/charity'.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Government", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 12:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 12);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 13);
					TutStep[playerid] = 13;

					// TR (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2679.5342,1639.0643,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This server is restricted to the city of LA, LV and surrounding county areas.\n");
					strcat(str, "Please do not leave the RP area by vehicle, foot, or swimming.\n");
					strcat(str, "Use of lethal force, incarceration, and/or banishment authorized upon Violation.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Restrictions", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 13:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 13);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 14);
					TutStep[playerid] = 14;

					// Gang SaC Beach (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 655.5394,-1867.2231,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Los Angeles & Las Vegas have several crime related gangs and families to join.\n");
					strcat(str, "You can type '/families' to display a list of gangs. \n Gangs can take");
					strcat(str, " control of the weapons and drug trade to earn a lot of cash.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you want to join a gang talk to there gang leaders or apply on the forums @\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Gangs and Families", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 14:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 14);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 15);
					TutStep[playerid] = 15;

					// 24/7 Store (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1315.6570,-898.7749,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}You can purchase a variety of different items with the '/buy' command");
					strcat(str, " from any 24/7. \n Buying a cellphone will give you the ability to call and text other players.\n");
					strcat(str, "24/7 stores appear as a green dollar sign on your mini-map.\n");
					strcat(str, "V.I.P's get special discounts from these stores.\n");
					strcat(str, "You can buy a lock for your car with /buylock.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you are bold you can /rob the 24/7's! Lookout for the silent alarms and the cops!\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - 24/7 Superstores", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 15:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 15);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 16);
					TutStep[playerid] = 16;

					// Clothing Store (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1457.1664,-1138.0111,-10.0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}You can buy different skins from any clothing store around LA and LV.\n");
					strcat(str, "You can also buy hundreds of different accsessories from any clothing store.\n");
					strcat(str, "VIPs get an unrestricted selection of skins from these stores.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Clothing Store", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 16:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 16);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 17);
					TutStep[playerid] = 17;

					// Car Dealership (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}You can purchase different vehicles from the auto mall under the central interchange.\n");
					strcat(str, "Once you buy your car, you can control it with the '/car' command. \n Be carful not to leave it");
					strcat(str, " parked in no parking areas, as it might get impounded!\n");
					strcat(str, " /requesthelp to get your vehicle parked by a moderator!\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Vehicle Dealership", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 17:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 17);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 18);
					TutStep[playerid] = 18;

					// Los Santos (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}You can buy houses all across LA and LV. \n Houses are player ownable that you can purchase");
					strcat(str, "from other players or buy on your own. \n You can store materials, drugs and money.\n");
					strcat(str, "You can store materials, drugs and money in your house to keep it safe as long as you own the house.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Houses", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 18:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 18);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 19);
					TutStep[playerid] = 19;

					// VIP (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Just like any other RP server you must abide by Traffic Laws.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Drive at a reasonable speeds that keep you in control of your vehicle.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Traffic lights are synced! Red = STOP | Yellow = SLOW DOWN | Green= GO.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Only follow traffic lights above a junction. (Marked with a solid white line)\n");
					strcat(str, "- YIELD for emergency lights and siren.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Remain at a safe distance from other vehicles when driving.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Drive how you would in real life. Dont be a moron.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Check /tlaws for more info.\n");
					strcat(str, "- Check /speedlaws for more info regarding speed limits.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Traffic Laws", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 19:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 19);
					ShowTutGUIFrame(playerid, 20);
					TutStep[playerid] = 20;

					// Unity Station (Camera)
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}-Deathmatching is not allowed. Hacks are not allowed.\n");
					strcat(str, "English is the ONLY OFFICIAL language. Foul language/Flaming (in OOC) is not allowed.\n");
					strcat(str, "Foul language (in character) is allowed.\n");
					strcat(str, "Do not carpark others or log to avoid an RP.\n");
					strcat(str, "For more information regarding, type /rules.\n");
					strcat(str, "Any violation of these rules will result in direct punishments.\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Press next to continue.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_TUTORIAL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Basic Rules ", str, "Next", "Cancel");
				case 20:
				    new str[1024];
					HideTutGUIFrame(playerid, 20);
					TutStep[playerid] = 0;

					strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}This tutorial was designed to help you get started in the server.\n");
					strcat(str, "If you have any question you can either talk in '/newb' or '/requesthelp'\n");
					strcat(str, "Make sure to sign-up on the forums @\n");
					strcat(str, "You may now select your starting location from the two buttons below!\n");
					strcat(str, "Proceed to the City Hall to achieve your DL, and start driving today!\n");
					strcat(str, "Thank you, and we hope you have a nice experence while playing intervision!\n");
					strcat(str, "{FF8000}Please wait as we select your spawn point.");
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SPAWN, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33CCFF}Tutorial - Wrapping things up", str, "Spawn", "Cancel");
at the minute it freezes once you completed your age and it gets : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

anyone know how to fix?


Please please

Do you have to keep bumping your thread, someone will help you when they have time

You're using a copyrighted script.


strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Project Los Angeles has several jobs you can do across the town.\n");


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