24.05.2009, 17:14
I'd like to casually start off by saying hello and introducing who I am. My name is Nick, I live in the US, I'm 16, I like long walks on the beach (xD)... Anyway.. I'm looking to start a project; This project would be started from complete scratch and would have tons of great ideas following it. I've got over 200 different ideas for a Cops n' Robbers script. Most of the ideas have never been though of before and may require a great scripting team to create them. I'm looking for intelligent, chill, active, and English speaking scripters to help me with this soon-to-be great script. If you are interested in filling one of the positions below you may contact me through a Private Message, Xfire, MSN, Skype, and Steam. My contact information is located in my signature.
Server Hoster: [Open]
Scripter 1: [Filled - v0nz]
Scripter 2: [Filled - Klutty]
Scripter 3: [Open]
Scripter 4: [Open]
Scripter 5: [Open - May be needed]
Graphics Artist: [Filled - v0nz]
Website Hoster: [Filled - Chuck]
Since people have been asking what you receive; Everyone will get server admin, website admin, forums admin, ventrilo admin, and a nice big hug
Server Hoster: [Open]
Scripter 1: [Filled - v0nz]
Scripter 2: [Filled - Klutty]
Scripter 3: [Open]
Scripter 4: [Open]
Scripter 5: [Open - May be needed]
Graphics Artist: [Filled - v0nz]
Website Hoster: [Filled - Chuck]
Since people have been asking what you receive; Everyone will get server admin, website admin, forums admin, ventrilo admin, and a nice big hug