A few PC issues..

Alright guys, i'm in need of a little help here, I just re-installed my copy of windows 7 on my PC (It's a Dell Vostro 1510) It came with vista pre-installed and I upgraded to windows 7 around 2-3 years ago.
Appon installing it this time I began to re-download/install drivers for windows 7 all went well until I installed my graphics driver which is a nVidia GeForce 8400M GS (I know it's ancient), I installed it rebooted etc but when I enabled it I got this screen flickering, like it just kept re-auto adjusting the monitor. (Oh and it's an external monitor).

I'm really stumped, it worked just fine before I re-installed windows 7/drivers. And yes, I have tried other downloads for drivers etc I just get the same issue.

Please no "Just buy a new PC" - I'm lacking the funds etc..
Also, i've tried on other external monitors and I get the same problem.

And help would be much appreciated, i'm about to install an old copy of windows vista and see if the drivers work on there.

Buy new laptop

Originally Posted by TDM
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Buy new laptop
Thanks for the useless post.

I think your video card said bye bye to you.. You are getting like stripes and shit right? If so the video card is doomed... It is hard to tell by just a post what could be the problem but I think 1. Driver isn't right. 2nd. Video card is fucked!

With best regards Scrillex.

Originally Posted by Scrillex
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I think your video card said bye bye to you.. You are getting like stripes and shit right? If so the video card is doomed... It is hard to tell by just a post what could be the problem but I think 1. Driver isn't right. 2nd. Video card is fucked!

With best regards Scrillex.
Ahh, the card going was my first thought too. However it isn't really striped lines it's just like if you where to continuously hit the 'Auto Adjust' feature on your monitor.

I'll keep you updated once I install vista again with the original drivers, hopefully I can get a bit more out of this card/laptop!

Basically what you could do is make a picture.. so I could see it .. ++ I will see how can I help you with driver thing.
I think the best what you can do is download driver genius and install trought it a driver whats needed to your video card.

Originally Posted by (*|Flake|*)
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Thanks for the useless post.
No problem , i love helping kangaroos

Download and install DriverEasy. It will detect your hardware and gives the correct info about what driver to install. By any chance, what is your external monitor's screen size?


Service tag should be under Laptop.

take your laptop from where you bought it and let them fix it for you.

Try uninstalling the graphics drivers.

Originally Posted by carz0159
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Try uninstalling the graphics drivers.
Yeh I have, the laptop works fine without any drivers installed (Running on the default 800x600)

Also Taking the laptop back/calling customer support isn't really an option anymore, it's coming up to 6 years old.

Some laptops have funny drivers, did you get those drivers specifically from dell's website?

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
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Some laptops have funny drivers, did you get those drivers specifically from dell's website?
I tried all sorts, ones straight from nVidia and ones straight from dell and still no luck, I think I'll have to stick with this 1280 x 1024 resolution for the time being.

I refuse to give up on this workhorse of a laptop!

If your monitor has an high resolution you'll got those results. I tried an HP laptop on a 1920x1080 resolution and I had awful colors and flickering when the screen refresh was too fast. The GPU was a AMD HD 3000 series..

Hi it happened to me twice. Because I'd downloaded a different version of graphic driver which is not compatible with the current computer standard version. It will ask you to restart your pc to take an effect for the changes. And then after it loads I noticed that my screen is like getting bump and the colors are like changing very fast to purple,pink,black,green, (flickering) but I can still able to see my desktop icons.

This is my case. I haven't change any resolution. What I did is to try and try until I get the correct graphic driver version.

might be your screen doesn't take that much resolution that the driver does because it working on 800x600 and you might not be getting the right version of driver

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