[Plugin] Streamer Plugin

Why failed? im have a Microsoft .NET framework 1.5.1, and add "plugins streamer" for windows.
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[12:55:57] Server Plugins
[12:55:57] --------------
[12:55:57]  Loading plugin: streamer
[12:55:57]   Failed.
[12:55:57]  Loaded 0 plugins.

Originally Posted by CEDZIOR
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Why failed? im have a Microsoft .NET framework 1.5.1, and add "plugins streamer" for windows.
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[12:55:57] Server Plugins
[12:55:57] --------------
[12:55:57]  Loading plugin: streamer
[12:55:57]   Failed.
[12:55:57]  Loaded 0 plugins.
As i know the windows version supports .NET Framework 4.0 or higher

Suggestion for future update: add a Time-to-live variable. A streamed item should then get automatically destroyed when the TTL is expired. This could be set with Streamer_SetIntData.

Mainly suggesting this for money and weapon drops which could clutter the map if not picked up. Setting timers or performing extensive loops doesn't seem like such a good idea.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Suggestion for future update: add a Time-to-live variable. A streamed item should then get automatically destroyed when the TTL is expired. This could be set with Streamer_SetIntData.

Mainly suggesting this for money and weapon drops which could clutter the map if not picked up. Setting timers or performing extensive loops doesn't seem like such a good idea.
This is a really good idea actually and makes sense the streamer plugin is designed to be a wrapper so in essence you could achieve the same results without using the streamer. If your using the plugin it would be best to integrate as many internal features as possible that have a scripting equivalent.

Originally Posted by kirollos
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As i know the windows version supports .NET Framework 4.0 or higher
Im unistall Net framework and now loading plugin

When I use this, no objects will appear. Why is it like that? Anyone with experience here?

I might have a decent suggestion,

What about adding the ability to alter players info that the streamer uses to get position, interior, and world of the player?
Instead of changing streamer data for thousands of objects to show for a single player in a certain world and possibly reduce streamer performance, you could just alter the internal world id or interior id of the player via Streamer_SetIntData or something similar? Same with players position.

I had something similar to this with my pawn based streamer and it was quite useful but i since switched to the streamer plugin for the performance benefits and features.

Originally Posted by nickdodd25
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What's wrong with just SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerInterior, SetPlayerVirtualWorld? They should change the position, interior and world of a single player.

And if that is not enough, you can also use Streamer_UpdateEx to specify other coordinates/world/interior info for the specific update.

Originally Posted by Basssiiie
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What's wrong with just SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerInterior, SetPlayerVirtualWorld? They should change the position, interior and world of a single player.

And if that is not enough, you can also use Streamer_UpdateEx to specify other coordinates/world/interior info for the specific update.
I must have worded it wrong (i tend to do that)

What i mean is adding a feature that allows you alter the players virtual world and/or interior also their position(not sure if that one is needed but i'm sure someone may find it useful) that the streamer uses for streaming. So basically you could set the players world or interior then say you have a set of objects you need to show the player you can just alter the streamer data for that player and the streamer then sees that you are in the same world as the objects and then shows them.

Performance wise it would be better to change the players data in the streamer than to add more worlds to hundreds or thousands of objects or items. For example Incognito even states in the first post about adding to many worlds to objects results in more checks and possible reduce in performance.

Originally Posted by Incognito
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Performance Notes
  • Adding too many virtual worlds and interiors to items can lead to increased memory usage and decreased performance. Specifying -1 (all virtual worlds and interiors) actually ensures the best performance, because it eliminates the need to do a lookup when that item is checked on each update. Note that this does not apply to players since only a finite amount can be added.
I understand the only thing that would be better performance wise would be to use -1 for world and interior but in my case with the server ive been building i utilize multiple worlds for different features and i cant do that.

tl;dr version: Or in simpler description it would be easy to trick the streamer into thinking the player is in world 1 but they are really in world 20 and in turn the streamer would stream all items from world 1....

Other that that i don't know how else to describe this.

Originally Posted by CEDZIOR
Посмотреть сообщение
Why failed? im have a Microsoft .NET framework 1.5.1, and add "plugins streamer" for windows.
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[12:55:57] Server Plugins
[12:55:57] --------------
[12:55:57]  Loading plugin: streamer
[12:55:57]   Failed.
[12:55:57]  Loaded 0 plugins.
You must write :
plugins streamer.dll

Sometimes the 3d textlabel disappears randomly. Resolve that pls. i ahve this problem about 0.3x

Originally Posted by holahola
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Sometimes the 3d textlabel disappears randomly. Resolve that pls. i ahve this problem about 0.3x
I have experienced a similiar problem and it is extremely irritating, does anybody have a temporary fix for this or a reasoning behind why this is occuring?

Is it possible that I create a dynamic checkpoint and then it only shows to a specific player and not all the other players on the server ?

I have a streamer plugin
v2.7.1 and i get it here in samp forums now why it is not here ?

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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Streamer_SetArrayData, set checkpoint "E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID" to the player you want it to be visible to.
But isnt the Steamer_SetArrayData function used for 3DTextLabels ?

Originally Posted by Boooth
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I have experienced a similiar problem and it is extremely irritating, does anybody have a temporary fix for this or a reasoning behind why this is occuring?
It's important, someone else have this problem?

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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It's used for any entity, check the first post for more info.

Each entity (object/label/checkpoint/etc) has a data field corresponding to the entries in the enumerator. Check out the "Native Notes" section near the end of the first post.
Just one last question, since I havent used those natives before...
where do I put the Streamer_SetArraydata and what should I do after that to make the checkpoint only visible for a specific player?

do you REALLY need more than 4096 text labels? ask yourself

SouthClaw, thanks that helped.
Can't rep you, have recently done that somewhere else.

Originally Posted by holahola
Посмотреть сообщение
Sometimes the 3d textlabel disappears randomly. Resolve that pls. i ahve this problem about 0.3x

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