Map lag.

Hey guys,i found that the script (the map i have added to my server)
is taking a lot of time to load,and i have to be near from it to load it.
and it's for all players in my server,please help me!

any help please?
oh,and it's with some objectives,not all it.

hehe, your chances that you'll get some proper help on this are sinking even more by spamming. Noone wants to help someone who is not patient enough to wait some time, until someone had even the time to read this and think about it.... So just calm down and wait patiently....

Anyways, if you are using too many objects and are not using a streamer for the objects, then some won't show, as the object limit could be exceeded.

In case you are using a streamer, set the stream distance to a higher value.

thanks,and i will be patient more ....

but,you mean to change which streamer? distance or rate?

are you using "CreateObject" or are you using a seperated streamer plugin?


how many objects do you have in your script? (gamemode AND ALL filterscripts)

It depends on the mappings you've got in your filterscript, you should put the mappings in your GM directly as it will give you a faster response.

actully,i have a lot of new mapping, i can't remove or count them anymore.
any ideas? and this is the ip,you can check the place,it's near marina beach,
and under it ,you can look at an island,it's load fast,but i dunno why the other objectives not loading.


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