[Include] [INC] BFX Object Streamer 4.0

.:BFX Object Streamer:.

Hi everwhere this is my new Version of the BFX Streamer,
it was running over an FS and an Include , the Include represents
the Shortcuts to the Core , i done it cause it is better
for the Script Size and Ressources.

This is completely rewritten Version, it wants
to Work faster and better.

List of provided Functions...

native b_CreateObject(modelid,Float:bx,Float:by,Float:bz,Float:brx,Float:bry,Float:brz,interiorid = -1,virtualwid = -1,stream_dis = STREAMER_DISTANCE,forplayerid = -1);
native b_DestroyObject(id);
native b_SetObjectPos(id,Float:posx,Float:posy,Float:posz);
native b_SetObjectRot(id,Float:posrx,Float:posry,Float:posrz);
native b_MoveObject(id,Float:mx,Float:my,Float:mz,Float:speed);
native b_StopObject(id);
native b_SetAreaLimit(limit);
native b_GetPlayerPos(id,&Float:x,&Float:y,&Float:z);
native b_GetPlayerRot(id,&Float:rx,&Float:ry,&Float:rz);
native b_GetObjectCount();
b_CreateObject Optional Parameters :
interiorid ,virtualwid ,stream_dis ,forplayerid

This Vars have allready default Values, if you need them you can it.

HowTo Install ?
Take bfx_oStream.inc and put it into pawno > include(s)
Take bfx_stream.pwn into Filterscripts , Compile it
now configure your Server.cfg and do put bfx_stream in it ( if there allready Maps, there need this Streamer please load the Streamer before you load Maps! )

include bfx_oStream and use the Functions, the Functions have the same Name , only with b_ Tag , so if you cant find any converter for it
you can Replace the Functionnames with this Names...

if you want use all Virtual Worlds or all Interiors for b_CreateObject you can set the Parameters to -1,
the default Value ist allready -1

Download ( Here can you find the old Streamer Version and new Version ) :

Your signature sucks ass. I've played MTA DM and i still don't like it. Like,alot of people from SA-MP have tried it.

Nice script anyway

Originally Posted by Karlip
Your signature sucks ass. I've played MTA DM and i still don't like it. Like,alot of people from SA-MP have tried it.

Nice script anyway
I agree, I like the GUI inside MTA but the gameplay and limit is CRAP.

Anyway back on topic, nice script, I might do the 20000 limit test later :P

yea i know my Signature is not the best but, some people say MTA Sucks cause never they
never played MTA.

Thanks for Good Feedback ^^

EDIT: Made my GM 9.0MB also can I raise the viewdistance? or player square or whetver

20000 objects thats cool . Nice job man !

PS: Pastebin please


it dont works for me


under OnGameModeInit();

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