I here water?


. For ex, i have X and Y coordinates:

It'is just example coordaintes. And how to check is this coordinates is above water?

For checking the coords are above water level(i am not saying in water i am saying level) or not
You need z coords because Z coords are for altitude and if z coords are above 0 then it will be above water

If you mean check if the position is water or land, it could be difficult.

You could perhaps create a polygon (probably more that 1 polygon) around the land mass, and check if the player is in that polygon. If the player isn't in the polygon they are above/under/in water. This could be expensive and would take a lot of time to get the points for the polygon.

If you just wana know if they are above sea-level, use the method BroZeus said.

It'is too hard to make all positions of earth, and still you don't do it accuarate

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