Run Time Error 17

Hello guys I have this problem so I can't play on my server,and I don't want to lose over 124k line RP Gamemode... WHICH IS UNIQUE!!!Here is my problem. Please HELP!!
[17:52:21] Script[gamemodes/RG-RP.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"
[17:52:21] Failed to load 'gamemodes/RG-RP.amx' script.

And also, when I try to compile my script it just crashes the whole pawno!!

Have you installed / placed all the plugins in the correct folder, and defined those in your server.cfg.
As for your compile error goes. It's a big script, and your PC is probably not the best. Click to compile and don't touch your mouse / keyboard.

Yes I've tried everything with the plugins...I've replaced them all with updates, that was before and as you know, its still not working :/
My PC Specs Are :
Intel Core i3-2100 CPU 3.10 GHz
Good graphics card...Not sure how was it called, but I know its an NVidia one...
64 bit operating system,Windows 7
I'm not sure if the information above is really needed, but there it is :P

Leave the pawn-editor to be. Since it's a very big script.

Okay, I'll try that

It doesn't work, it crashes again, I don't move/do anything and it auto crashes...
Do you have skype and would you like to help me over skype or even teamviewer?

Sure. Message your skype, I'll help you out. I'm out to go go-karting in a bit, so after that I'll look over it. Also, are you running pawno.exe as an admin?

I'll message my skype, thanks for helping me , anyway I'm not running pawno.exe as an admin :P

It isn't server problem. You can't run server because you don't have amx file and you don't have amx files because you messed something in your code. Check your last editing...

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