10.03.2014, 03:27
Последний раз редактировалось NurbWill; 10.03.2014 в 05:54.
Spray Tag System 0.2b | By: Nurb Will ;
Hi Guys, I was doing this script to my server but I will not use it anymore,i did a in a different way, I share this with you guys.
• Settings:pawn Код:// ######### Config's #########
#define SQL_HOST "localhost" // Mysql Host
#define SQL_DB "samp-evolution" // MySQL Database
#define SQL_USER "root" // MySQL User
#define SQL_PASS "" // MysQL Password
#define MAX_PLAYERS_TAGS (5) // Maximum spray tags created by player.
#define SPRAY_TAG_TIMER (4) // Seconds to create the spray tag.
#define SPRAY_TAG_OBJECT (19353) // Spray Tag Object ID
#define SPRAY_TAG_OBJECT_DISTANCE (200.0) // Distance that can be seen the spray tag.
• Video:
• Screenshots:
• Bugs:
CreditsNot seen any yet.
NurbWill at having created filterscript ; /
Zeex by ZCMD
Incognito by Streamer
BlueG by MySQL
• DOF2:Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/1Nkawvvc
Mediafire (Recommended): https://www.mediafire.com/?igtnum4jgdpy7y3
• MySQL R38 :
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/fZerPHFJ
Mediafire (Recommended): https://www.mediafire.com/?at1cca0dg6e3662