Server lag!

Hello guys

I have server ..
On my server i use FS, and the FS have much CreateDynamicObject.

Can i ask ?
Have much object, make server lag ?
If true, how ti fix it ?

Thnaks guys ..
Sorry for my bad english

well I got over 50,000 of "createdynamicobject" and the server doesn't lag at all, I use a quad core dedicated server, I got no idea what you are using to run it, but try to priotize the process "samp03svr" with renice -20.

if it still lags, perhaps it's something in OnPlayerUpdate?

I hope you solve it.

I use 1 GB RAM !
it make lag ?

What about this ?


onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000


Objects does make your FPS go down so it might lag depending on what your PC (graphic card) specs are.

Maybe 2 GB RAM, will make server not lag ?

My server use 50 - 90 MB of RAM with 100 players online. Something is seriously wrong with your script.

Maybe , because i make my all MTA Object in FS ?

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