Race position problem

Hello everyone, i have problem with race positions. I making mini race system for my server and i have problem. I can't make that when play types: /race he will be spawned in position, secon player in second position, third player...About 20 players and 20 positions. I don't want that player will be spawned in same position, and i no need random spawns. So maybe someone knows how to do that?

My script who doesn't work...:

new Float:StartPositions[20][3] =
Thank you for help ;]

make a counter;

pawn Код:
new pCounter = 0; // ontop of your script.

// in the callback.
if( pCounter > sizeof( StartPositions[ ] ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "no more slots available" ); // checking if there's still a slot available in the array, if not, it won't spawn the player at the race because it could crash the server / spawn the player at coords 0,0,0( the farm ), or some memory failures could occur.
SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ),SpawnPos[pCounter][0],SpawnPos[pCounter][1],SpawnPos[pCounter][2]); // setting the player's vehicle to the right pos.
pCounter++; // updating the counter.
this will update the counter when a player has spawned in the race.

the first player to join the race, spawns at the first row of the array ( -1418.0464,-667.8558,1058.8853 ).

the counter updates, it becomes 1.

second player spawns at the coordinates of row 1.

although I prefer using random positions, even though players could spawn ontop of eachother, it'll happen rarely aslong as you've got enough rows in your array.

Ou My God, It perfectly works! Thanks for help Smileys! +rep ;]

Originally Posted by Zaec
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Ou My God, It perfectly works! Thanks for help Smileys! +rep ;]
no problem

ps: don't forget to reset the variable to 0, when it starts a new race, or it could bug.


pawn Код:
pCounter = 0; // somewhere in the code where it starts a new race.

Ofcourse, thanks for advice. I have another quesion.


SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ),SpawnPos[pCounter][0],SpawnPos[pCounter][1],SpawnPos[pCounter][2]); // setting the player's vehicle to the right pos.

In this line can spawn 4 player, then i make more, example: SpawnPos[pCounter][3] and ... It says "out of bounds" its to long line? How can i make 20 positions for 20 players? And how to make that cars spawn with Z angle cordinates?

you've got a 2 dimensional array.

to make it look more understandable for humans:

pawn Код:
new Float:StartPositions[20][3] =
    // first dimension, the [20] part. means it can hold 20 rows with data.
    { // second dimension, first row of dimension 1( the [20] );
        -1418.0464, // the 0 index.
        -667.8558, // the 1 index.
        1058.8853 // the 2 index.
        // to make a 3th index, simply add one more line here, also don't forget to put a ',' behind the last coordinate, the one above this one.

// so something like:
new Float:StartPositions[20][4] =
        180.0// add coordinate 4 here, with index nr 3. I assume this will be the facing angle coordinate?

//then do
SetVehicleFacingAngle( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), StartPositions[ pCounter ][ 3 ] );
you can easily pack those 5/6 lines back into 1 line, it's all the same to pawno, but for humans it might be better to understand.

for more information about multi-dimensional arrays, check this out:


Nothink understandable for me here, but i will try Thanks a lot for you ;]

So i have to do somethink like this with all 20 position cordinates?
new Float:StartPositions[20][3] =
        180.0// add coordinate 4 here, with index nr 3. I assume this will be the facing angle coordinate?
       Angle cordinate,
// seconds position cordinates
And then change this part to "20" ?

StartPositions[ pCounter ][ 3 ]

There are currently 3 index:
index 0 -> x position
index 1 -> y position
index 2 -> z position

If you want to add angle, you'll need one more index:
pawn Код:
new Float:StartPositions[][4] =
Now you can use 4 indexes, it starts from 0 and ends at 3. Any other number will give error about out of bounds.

Oh, i get it, thanks. But what abou this lines?


// so something like:
new Float:StartPositions[20][4] =
84.6126// add coordinate 4 here, with index nr 3. I assume this will be the facing angle coordinate?

83.6136// add coordinate 4 here, with index nr 3. I assume this will be the facing angle coordinate?


C:\Users\User\Desktop\Free-Roam\gamemodes\freeroam.pwn(87) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Free-Roam\gamemodes\freeroam.pwn(89) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.

How to do what can be 20 players positions without "out of bounds" ?

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