How to read this type of format

I am a new scripter how do i read what the actuall cords are i want to be able to remove / move object
CreateDynamicObject(6300, 3277855104, 3302398360, 3237792973, 0, 0, 1115946336, 0, 4294967295, 4294967295, 1125515264);

Can I see the rest of the code like the includes?

CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float: x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz, worldid, interior, playerid, float: streamdistance);

So technically the 3277855104, 3302398360, 3237792973 represent x,y,z
And 0, 0, 1115946336, should be rotation x, rotation-y,rotation-z

Originally Posted by Crypto20
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Can I see the rest of the code like the includes?
That's the streamer plugin by Incognito.

Those values are way off: much too high.
The default map goes from -3000 to +3000 in both X and Y direction.
Your values are 3-billion+ and you're setting them as integers while the coordinates should be floats.

Also interior 4294967295 doesn't exist, as well as playerid 4294967295.
You can't do anything with those values.

Originally Posted by MattTucker
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CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float: x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz, worldid, interior, playerid, float: streamdistance);

So technically the 3277855104, 3302398360, 3237792973 represent x,y,z
And 0, 0, 1115946336, should be rotation x, rotation-y,rotation-z

That's the streamer plugin by Incognito.
Yes but he obviously must have more includes such as.
#include <core>
#include <float>

Do you got skype? I can show you the whole thing maybe you can help. PM me your skype

This looks like it's been decompiled. Who or what are you trying to rip off? When a script is compiled, tags (Float:, ...) are lost. When a script is being decompiled, the decompiler cannot possibly know the intended tag of the value and displays the value as an integer. There are ways to convert this. The value 3277855104 displayed as a floating point value would likely be -224.09961. But since I have no interest in helping one reverse engineer a script, I'm not going to get into detail.

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