Hello again, little help?

Hi again ... I need a little help.
So i have this ( attach ) gamemode, but I want to put a command ( or command exist & I don't know [ is not my gm ]) to show the jobs ( like /jobs ) . Can you tell me how to do this, can you look in the gamemode ?


You should give some complex details. What will be /jobs command function?

I want to show all jobs something like :

Player type "/jobs" and the server show "/jobs [jobname] - Mechanic,CarJacker,Bodyguard...etc" ( i don't know if the jobs are created.. ) , and if he type "/jobs mechanic" , the server put a checkpoint on map where the job is , you understand ?

Can somebody help me please?

Jobs are already added on your gamemode line: 14367 to 14383. But most of your gamemode is Romanian so i don't get most of the commands.

If you can help me ( and you want ) , send me a PM with what you need to know .


UP !

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