/uncuff problem.

Guys. In my GM, I put special action cuffed for /cuff command. But the problem is. after /uncuff its not getting back to normal. So how to stop the speciall action and get the player to normal state?

Here are the commands: Cuff
	new string[128];
	new ID;
	if(sscanf(params, "u", ID))
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"USAGE: /cuff (Player Name/ID)");
	    return 1;
    if(IsSpawned[playerid] != 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You must be alive and spawned in order to be able to use this command.");
	    return 1;
	if(IsKidnapped[playerid] == 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You are kidnapped. You cannot use this command.");
	    return 1;
	if(IsFrozen[playerid] == 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You have been frozen by a Server Administrator. You cannot use this command.");
	    return 1;
	if(InAdminMode[ID] == 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot use this command on this player because they are in Administrator mode.");
	    return 1;
	if(gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_COP && gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_ARMY && gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_CIA)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"Only law enforcement can place cuffs on suspects.");
	    return 1;
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"The player ID (%d) is not connected to the server. You cannot cuff them",ID);
	    return 1;
	if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,ID) > 4)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is too far away. You cannot reach him to place cuffs on him.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(gTeam[ID] == TEAM_COP || gTeam[ID] == TEAM_ARMY || gTeam[ID] == TEAM_CIA)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot place other Law Enforcement officer in cuffs. You might lose your job for that ..");
	    return 1;
	if(IsCuffed[ID] == 1)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is already cuffed. You don't want to waste a second pair of cuffs on them.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot place a suspect in cuffs while in a vehicle. Exit the vehicle first.");
	    return 1;
	if(GetPlayerState(ID) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || GetPlayerState(ID) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot place a suspect in cuffs while they are in a vehicle. Get them to exit the vehicle first.");
	    return 1;
	if(playerid == ID)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot put cuffs on yourself, it wouldn't be a good idea with rapists around.");
	    return 1;
	if(IsSpawned[ID] != 1)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is not spawned. You cannot place cuffs on dead people ..",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(IsFrozen[ID] == 1)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is frozen by a Server Administrator. You cannot place cuffs them.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(AttemptedToCuffRecently[playerid] >= 1)
		SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You're handcuffs are stuck in the lock from your last attempt. Please wait until they get unstuck first.");
		return 1;
	new crand = random(100);
	if(crand <= 30)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"Cuff attempt failed. The suspect's arm slipped out of your hands.");
		AttemptedToCuffRecently[playerid] =25;
		return 1;
	if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,ID) <= 4 && crand > 30)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_DEADCONNECT,"[[_Suspect Cuffed_]]");
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"You have placed cuffs on %s(%d)! They can no longer move.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_DEADCONNECT,"[[_Placed in handcuffs_]]");
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"Law enforcement officer %s(%d) has placed you in handcuffs! You cannot move! You will be auto uncuffed in 30 seconds.",PlayerName(playerid),playerid);
	    LoopingAnim(ID, "ped", "cower", 3.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Taking Cover
	    IsCuffed[ID] =1;
	    CuffTime[ID] =30;
	    return 1;
	return 1;
	new string[128];
	new ID;
	if(sscanf(params, "u", ID))
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"USAGE: /uncuff (Player Name/ID)");
	    return 1;
    if(IsSpawned[playerid] != 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You must be alive and spawned in order to be able to use this command.");
	    return 1;
	if(IsFrozen[playerid] == 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You have been frozen by a Server Administrator. You cannot use this command.");
	    return 1;
	if(IsKidnapped[playerid] == 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You are kidnapped. You cannot use this command.");
	    return 1;
	if(gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_COP && gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_ARMY && gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_CIA)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"Only law enforcement can remove cuffs from suspects.");
	    return 1;
	if(InAdminMode[ID] == 1)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot use this command on this player because they are in Administrator mode.");
	    return 1;
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"The player ID (%d) is not connected to the server. You cannot uncuff them",ID);
	    return 1;
	if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,ID) > 4)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is too far away. You cannot reach him to remove cuffs from him.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(IsCuffed[ID] == 0)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is not cuffed. You cannot uncuff them.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot remove a suspect's cuffs while in a vehicle. Exit the vehicle first.");
	    return 1;
	if(GetPlayerState(ID) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || GetPlayerState(ID) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot remove a suspect's cuffs while they are in a vehicle. Get them to exit the vehicle first.");
	    return 1;
	if(playerid == ID)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You cannot remove cuffs from yourself.");
	    return 1;
	if(IsSpawned[ID] != 1)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is not spawned. You cannot remove cuffs from dead people ..",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(IsFrozen[ID] == 1)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is frozen by a Server Administrator. You cannot remove cuffs from them.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    return 1;
	if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,ID) <= 4)
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"You have removed %s(%d)'s cuffs. They can now move again.",PlayerName(ID),ID);
	    format(string,sizeof(string),"Law enforcement officer %s(%d) has removed your cuffs! You can now move again!",PlayerName(playerid),playerid);
	    IsCuffed[ID] =0;
	    CuffTime[ID] =0;
	    return 1;
	return 1;

You can clear a users special action by using the following:

More here: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SetPlayerSpecialAction

However, I don't see special action calls in your code anywhere.. only the application of an animation

Lemme try it..

Thts not working..

1. Remove the looping anim from both commands.
2. Remove TogglePlayerControllable from both commands.
3. Use in the cuff command..
pawn Код:
4. use in the uncuff command..
pawn Код:
SetPlayerSpecialAction(ID, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE)

Thanks bro.. it worked..

Originally Posted by ponagandlamanoj
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Thanks bro.. it worked.. :)
you're welcome :)

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