Can't open PC case

Hello everyone. I'm trying to open the case of my computer, however no effort yet. As I don't know what type of PC I have got (Dell, HP etc.) I can't really describe it. However, I have got some pictures. Also, this is not my first time I'm opening a case on a PC, so I don't really know how to open it. I've tried to lift it, push it back etc. and nothing worked.

I hope you can help me.

EDIT: The case is called Eurocase ML 5410

I can clearly see the 4 screws at the back sides. Remove them, and try to psuh the side pieces back. Eventually use a screwdiver or something as a lever.
The top piece seems to be fix, strange design, but I cant see any screws for that part. Eventually you can remove it when both side pieces are gone.

That^^ Or you may call a technician, to avoid doing anything wrong.

Your last picture shows 2 screws on the back, one near the top and one near the bottom.
Remove those and shift the plate to the back.
It should open that way.

Don't remove the screws on the grey area on the back of your pc, like the one below your power-connector in picture 1.
You would loosen your power-supply and it could fall down inside your casing.

I somehow managed to open the case. I needed to remove the top and then push one of the side. Strange system.

Anyway thank you.

Originally Posted by offon
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I somehow managed to open the case. I needed to remove the top and then push one of the side. Strange system.

Anyway thank you.
Had the same system, there are cheap cases which look pretty good. Considered to get myself a new one, cost me Ђ20 but it works much better and I got an awesome case.

Use a hammer.

If you cant open it, i promise you they made it for a reason..

Originally Posted by Luis-
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Use a hammer.
Sledge hammer usually works better.

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