Faction, MySQL

pawn Код:
CMD:factions(playerid, params[])
    new string[128];
    for(new i=0;i<MAX_FACTIONS;i++)
        if(strlen(fInfo[i][fName]) == 0) continue;
        format(string, sizeof(string), "MySQL ID: %d (ID: %d) "#DIALOG_GREEN#" %s", fInfo[i][fID], i, fInfo[i][fName]);
        SCM(playerid, -1, string);
    return 1;

CMD:deletefaction(playerid, params[])
    new facID, szQuery[128];
    if(sscanf(params, "d", facID)) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Usage: /deletefaction <faction ID>");
    format(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "DELETE FROM `factions` WHERE `fID` = %d", fInfo[facID][fID]);
    mysql_pquery(dbHandle, szQuery);
    format(fInfo[facID][fName], 0, "");
    fInfo[facID][fID] = 0;
    return 1;
When I delete a faction it is removed from the MySQL database, it's still listed IG via /factions however, how do I fix this?

Most likely due to the fact that you're executing concurrent queries (DELETE vs the SELECT in the LoadFactions function) resulting in a race condition. Create a callback for the DELETE query and execute the reset procedure and the LoadFactions in there. This way you'll be sure that the query has been completed.

pawn Код:
forward thread_DeleteFaction(facID);
public thread_DeleteFaction(facID)
    format(fInfo[facID][fName], 0, "");
    return 1;
I added that, still not working. Again, the faction is removed from the MySQL database, but not IG when you use /factions. It's probably something simple, I got back into MySQL today.

Look at the query, be sure that it takes an existing variable to save in an existing column

Hmm? The MySQL part works, it's just messing up in game.

Ah, my fault.

What's wrong ? Can you still be in the faction/using the faction's commands after deleting it ?
Or is the faction still remaining on the list but nobody can use faction's features ?

Yes you can still use the commands. It exists IG, not in the MySQL DB though.

When you use the commands, do you check the database or the stats ?

If you check the stats, be sure that they update enough often

If you use the database (a mysql_get_field or the macro), don't know ;3

Okay, I almost solved the problem.

Say I have three factions, and I delete the number 2, number 3 takes its place but also keeps the third slot, why? Remember that this is all visual IG, nothing is wrong with the tables or the database.
Faction 1
Faction 2 - Delete this
Faction 3

Ends up looking like this.

Faction 1
Faction 3
Faction 3
Read the original post for the /factions and /deletefaction command.

pawn Код:
for(new i=0;i<MAX_FACTIONS;i++)
        strdel(fInfo[i][fName], 0, 65);
before loading, now I have to type /deletefaction <faction id> twice to delete a faction, then after I have deleted one faction I can continue deleting with /deletefaction, not needing to use it twice. :S

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