Need help with a script!!!

Hi all samp players!!! :P
me and a guy named rafael has started a new stunt server now, and we need help with a script!!
The idea of the script is this.....
Everyplayer that register gets a own little house in a map i will do!and evrytime a player/admin loggs in he will spawn in that house after he schoosen character!! and players (not admins) will get the same interior (an kinda small and nice one) and admins (yea admin :P) will get a bigger one that they share!!!

Please we are looking for somone to help add my MSN if you can help!!

Ask here.

al i can suggest is you get all possible coords for houses, save them into file use the file somehow uhh whatnot yes no no... dman lost my thought ;/

just get coords for inside and ouside of house, check pen1 for a way to save/load them, assign player a random house. onte that many players will come and the houses may be not enough like 1 hosue for 1 player, so you should use random so that player can get any house even with a roommante. next assign a diffrend worldid if you don't want itneriors to get mixed up with other houses

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