Server Lagging

Hello,I currently Running Samp Server (RP) but the lag increase when player increases ,so can i solve this problem ,Please

Are you hosting the server yourself or are you paying for a host? If so.. what hosting-company?

You'd have to get better hosting, or if your using a VPS try to get better specs... Or adjust the script so it uses less resources. Many ways to resolve this issue.

the host is better but this script lag on it

HOst : >France

it could be something in your script are you useing lots of timers

it got alot of cars but i try to remove them by delete it from scriptfiles but it back when i restart server

oki have you used any huge string in ur script anything bigger then 256?

idk,How can i know ,sorry for asking but i got the full script from someone ? , can i put any code for making the server unlagging ,or remove cars "its about 1000car"

sorry theres is no code to make your script less laggy you will have to check your script too see if there are any problems in your code you could try remove but keep a copy of the 1000cars incase it don,t work... theres nothing else i think off

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