

How to change teamspeak max slots in files?

you may change slots by paying like SA-MP Hosts

No No.... I have mean, i just want to change slots, when is maximum 32, i want to do 18 or less. I know more slots need license buy it or get free.... But now i just want to change it where i can do it in files.

You'll have to connect to your teamspeak server.

From there; You right click on your server name; and click on "Edit Virtual Server"

Once the "Manage Virtual Server" tab opend; you can change the slots from there with the "Maximum Clients" option.


But i can't to on my server.... Because i had a license which can take 512 slots. But i remove it, drop it, and i don't have it now. My server off, and i can't to on him because you can't launch server with 512 slots... And i know somewhere in files you can change that. But in what file i don't remember.

I understand what you mean now.

Just a quick question so I can help you further:
Is it a Linux TS3 Server or Windows TS3 Server?

Linux TS3 Server


First of all; download your Teamspeak 3 database from your VPS/Dedicated server to your home PC.
(The filename should be "ts3server.sqlitedb")

Then secondly: Download SQLite Administration
Download it here.

Save the zip file or open it; whatever you want.
Open the application and select the language you want.

Now to the database editting.

First of all; you click on "Database" then "Open"

Navigate towards where you saved your database file and open the SQLITE database.

Now; lets start edditing this!

First of all, Click on "Edit Data" as shown here:
(It should be on the top)

By default, You will be in the "index" tab, feel free to close it as you won't use it.
Then your list should look like this:

Now look in the "Tables" list; and find the table that says "server_properties"

Next; you will see a list on the main screen;
Search for the "virtualserver_maxclients" (This is the 3rd entry)

Then; Double click on the "512" entry (or whatever your max clients is set to)
Change this entry back to "32" by simply typing it in!

Then go to Database and click on Close.

This will save your changes.

Now re-upload your database to your linux VPS/Dedicated server and start up your teamspeak server!

Make sure your server_id says 1. It seems that TeamSPeak saved the default server as server_id 0

As you can see here below; the first entry has 0 and the other ones are 1.
The number 1 is your actual teamspeak server!


error while starting servermanager, error: instance limit reached

How to fix this error?

If you are using ts3server.ini; remove your licensekey entry from the .ini file and restart it.

Show us an output of your "ls -l" from your Teamspeak folder please.

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