12.05.2009, 22:51
[size=21px]Advanced Teleports - Include by [MFC]Sylar - Version 1.00![/size]
Hi! this is my first Include.
It's about advanced Teleports. Why am I relasing this? because this forum helped me a lot, when i needed help I almost always got it. And also downloaded scripts, maps, etc. Thank you a lot!
It's about advanced Teleports. Why am I relasing this? because this forum helped me a lot, when i needed help I almost always got it. And also downloaded scripts, maps, etc. Thank you a lot!
Theese are the functions:
pawn Code:
native SetOnFootPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a, interior);
native SetCarPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior);
native SetXCarPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, VehicleModel);
native SetSkinPlayerCarPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, PSkin);
native SetOnFootSkinPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a, interior, PSkin);
native SetCarIdPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, interior, Vid);
native SetHealthPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, Float:Health);
native SetArmourPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, Float:Armour);
native SetMoneyPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, money);
// native SetTeamPlayerPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, const Team[]); // Not working ATM
native SetScorePos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, playerscore);
Ver. 0.1 ---> Ver. 1.00 Added: SetCarIdPos Added: SetHealthPos Added: SetArmourPos Added: SetMoneyPos Added: SetTeamPlayerPos Added: SetScorePos Deleted: SetNrgPos |
*Please Note the following: All funcions come with the TogglePlayerControllable if you are using a Menu.
*Please Note the following: All funcions come with the TogglePlayerControllable if you are using a Menu.
pawn Code:
SetOnFootPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a, interior);
pawn Code:
SetOnFootPos(playerid, 2014.254, 1024.2521, 321.45255, 210.0, 0);
pawn Code:
SetCarPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior);
pawn Code:
SetCarPos(playerid, 531.0353, 3421.0355, 321.3503, 214.0, 2014.254, 1024.2521, 321.45255, 0)
pawn Code:
SetXCarPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, Vmodel);
pawn Code:
SetXCarPos(playerid, 531.0353, 3421.0355, 321.3503, 214.0, 2014.254, 1024.2521, 321.45255, 0, 288)
pawn Code:
SetSkinPlayerCarPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, PSkin);
pawn Code:
SetOnFootSkinPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a, interior, PSkin);

pawn Code:
SetCarIdPos(playerid, Float:Vx, Float:Vy, Float:Vz, Float:Va, interior, Vid);
pawn Code:
SetHealthPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, Float:Health);
pawn Code:
SetHealthPos(playerid, 325.3212, 321.242, 102.254, 90.0, 0, true, 100.0);
pawn Code:
SetArmourPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, Float:Armour);
pawn Code:
SetMoneyPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, money);
pawn Code:
SetTeamPlayerPos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, const Team[]);
pawn Code:
SetScorePos(playerid, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Pz, Float:Pa, interior, toggle:TeleportCar, playerscore);
[size=18px]Getting Started!:[/size]
In your script:
_________________________________________________At the first of your Script/GM you need to have this (Under "#include <a_samp>")
pawn Code:
#include <MFC-Teleports> // Advanced Teleports by [MFC]Sylar
Two examples to know how to use this Cmd's: (in different contexts)
In a Menu:pawn Code:
case 0: //================ Area 51 - Army Skin Only!
SetSkinPlayerCarPos(playerid, 308.2827,1989.2064,17.6406, 0.0, 308.2827,1989.2064,17.6406, 0.0, 0, 287);
With a command:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/Area51", cmdtext, true) == 0)
SetSkinPlayerCarPos(playerid, 308.2827,1989.2064,17.6406, 0.0, 308.2827,1989.2064,17.6406, 0.0, 0, 287);
return 0;
[size=16px]Also you can add in your script:[/size]
At the top:pawn Code:
#define A SetOnFootPos
#define B SetCarPos
// etc. You can add shortly abreviations for the functions if you want.

pawn Code:
#include <TeleInclude_By_[MFC]Sylar> // Advanced Teleports by [MFC]Sylar
#define SOFP SetOnFootPos
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
SOFP(playerid, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0);
[size=18px]In the future Versions:[/size]
pawn Code:
SetAdminPos ( For RCON admin teleports)
SetCheckpointPos ( You will need to be in X checkpoint to teleport)
SetIsInAreaPos ( Same as above, but not a checkpoint, an area)
SetDeathmatchPos(playerid, x, y, z, a, wep_1, bullets, wep_2, bullets, wep_3, bullets, wep_4, bullets, interior); //A Teleport that gives you up to 4 (or more) weapons. Used For deathmatch
1) Sorry for my bad English 
2) Any suggestion for Functions will be really apreciated!
3) If you find any bugs please tell me
4) You don't have to give me credits; but don't relase it, or resell it, without my permission.
5) I added my ideas above, so add yours too

6) Click Here if you wanna know the ID's of anything you want (interiors, cars, skins, etc.)
Hope you all like it, is my first include

Special Thanks to: Weirdospot (Helped with the CarId func.)
See ya!!!!