SA:MP Dayz Server NPC Problem

I have created a Dayz server on my VPS after having tested it on my localhost which worked. The NPC's are not spawning or showing up on the player list like they did on my localhost server, but it is showing that they are connecting. This is a Dayz server so the gamemode script is locked and can't be edited, but it was working perfectly fine on my computer.

Maxnpc = 300
Maxplayers = 350

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[07:23:24] Server Plugins
[07:23:24] --------------
[07:23:24]  Loading plugin:
[07:23:24] -------------------------------------------------
[07:23:24]      FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v0.1 B11
[07:23:24] - Author: OrMisicL
[07:23:24] - Build:  Jan  7 2014 at 10:00:36
[07:23:24] -------------------------------------------------
[07:23:24] Loading ...
[07:23:24] SAMP Server version 0.3x R2 (Linux) detected. Initializing ...
[07:23:24] FCNPC Loaded.
[07:23:24]   Loaded.
[07:23:24]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[07:23:24]   Loaded.
[07:23:24]  Loading plugin:
[07:23:24]  ==================
[07:23:24]   Whirlpool loaded
[07:23:24]  ==================
[07:23:24]   Loaded.
[07:23:24]  Loading plugin:

[07:23:24]  ===============================

[07:23:24]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[07:23:24]          Version:  2.8.1        

[07:23:24]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[07:23:24]  ===============================

[07:23:24]   Loaded.
[07:23:24]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[07:23:24] Ban list
[07:23:24] --------
[07:23:24]  Loaded: samp.ban
[07:23:25] Filterscripts
[07:23:25] ---------------
[07:23:25]   Loading filterscript 'Music.amx'...
[07:23:25]   Loading filterscript 'Safehouses.amx'...
[07:23:25] Safehouses
[07:23:25] --------------------------------------

[07:23:25]   Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[07:23:25]  ======================================= 
[07:23:25]  |                                     | 
[07:23:25]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        | 
[07:23:25]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[07:23:25]  |                                     | 
[07:23:25]  ======================================= 
[07:23:25] +---------------------------------+
[07:23:25] +---------------------------------+
[07:23:25] +---------------------------------+
[07:23:25] DayZSA v6.2_build625_3xr2 Sucessfully Loaded!
[07:23:25] +---------------------------------+
[07:23:25] +---------------------------------+
[07:23:25] +---------------------------------+
[07:23:25] [DayZ Loots] Loaded 182 military Looting areas!
[07:23:25] [DayZ Loots] Loaded 986 farm Looting areas!
[07:23:25] [DayZ Loots] Loaded 434 market Looting areas!
[07:23:25] [DayZ Loots] Loaded 2732 Loots!
[07:23:25] [DayZ Loots] Loaded 13 Hospitals!!
[07:23:25] BUD v1.0.5 BETA loaded.
[07:23:25] [DayZ SQL] Connected Succesfully
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_1 has joined the server (399:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_2 has joined the server (398:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_3 has joined the server (397:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_4 has joined the server (396:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_5 has joined the server (395:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_6 has joined the server (394:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_7 has joined the server (393:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_8 has joined the server (392:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_9 has joined the server (391:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_10 has joined the server (390:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_11 has joined the server (389:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_12 has joined the server (388:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_13 has joined the server (387:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_14 has joined the server (386:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_15 has joined the server (385:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_16 has joined the server (384:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_17 has joined the server (383:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_18 has joined the server (382:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_19 has joined the server (381:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_20 has joined the server (380:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_21 has joined the server (379:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_22 has joined the server (378:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_23 has joined the server (377:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_24 has joined the server (376:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_25 has joined the server (375:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_26 has joined the server (374:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_27 has joined the server (373:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_28 has joined the server (372:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_29 has joined the server (371:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_30 has joined the server (370:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_31 has joined the server (369:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_32 has joined the server (368:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_33 has joined the server (367:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_34 has joined the server (366:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_35 has joined the server (365:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_36 has joined the server (364:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_37 has joined the server (363:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_38 has joined the server (362:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_39 has joined the server (361:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_40 has joined the server (360:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_41 has joined the server (359:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_42 has joined the server (358:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_43 has joined the server (357:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_44 has joined the server (356:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_45 has joined the server (355:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_46 has joined the server (354:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_47 has joined the server (353:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_48 has joined the server (352:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_49 has joined the server (351:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_50 has joined the server (350:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_51 has joined the server (349:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_52 has joined the server (348:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_53 has joined the server (347:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_54 has joined the server (346:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_55 has joined the server (345:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_56 has joined the server (344:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_57 has joined the server (343:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_58 has joined the server (342:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_59 has joined the server (341:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_60 has joined the server (340:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_61 has joined the server (339:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_62 has joined the server (338:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_63 has joined the server (337:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_64 has joined the server (336:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_65 has joined the server (335:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_66 has joined the server (334:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_67 has joined the server (333:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_68 has joined the server (332:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_69 has joined the server (331:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_70 has joined the server (330:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_71 has joined the server (329:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_72 has joined the server (328:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_73 has joined the server (327:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_74 has joined the server (326:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_75 has joined the server (325:
[07:23:25] [npc:join] zombie_350 has joined the server (50:

[07:23:25] [DayZ Zombies] Connected Succesfully
[07:23:25] PGA Gaming - GTA SA: DayZ Version v6.2_build625_3xr2 Loaded
[07:23:25] ----------------------------------

[07:23:25] Number of vehicle models: 23
(All 350 connected I just removed some so it would all fit)

NPCs don't show up in the player list on Linux.

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
Посмотреть сообщение
NPCs don't show up in the player list on Linux.
Thank you I did not know that, but they are still not spawning in the game

FCNPC is too unreliable still to be used for a public server there is a number of reasons for that mainly poor compatibility between SAMP versions, differences between Windows/Linux (This will probably be solved soon I think) and the author often has long intervals between updates however I think we'll see some improvements once the next SAMP version is out.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or not but it says its connecting to but i'm not using my localhost

[08:35:59] [npc:join] zombie_1 has joined the server (1:

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