CreateDynamicCP Problem

This may just be an error in my formatting but i cant get this devilish thing to show up. Im a bit rusty so it may be a simple issue.

pawn Код:
pData[playerid][CheckpointID] = CreateDynamicCP(PointData[loadid][X],PointData[loadid][Y],PointData[loadid][Z], 5, -1, -1, playerid,2000);
The checkpoint wont show no matter what ive tried. Ive tried changing the stream distance and even removing it and no change.

Checkpoints will not show on custom objects above the normal height, instead they will show in the normal GTA SA height.

The problem im having is that its not even showing on the minimap. I dont have any custom objects on the server so thats not a worry. Its just not spawning.

Heres the whole function
pawn Код:
new missionid;
        for(new i=0; i <= 500; i++)
            missionid = random(sizeof(MissionData));
            if(MissionData[missionid][Type] == MissionVehData[modelid - 400][Type]) i = 500;
        pData[playerid][MissionID] = missionid;
        new cargoid = MissionData[missionid][Cargo];
        new loadid = MissionData[missionid][Load];
        new offloadid = MissionData[missionid][Offload];
        pData[playerid][CheckpointID] = CreateDynamicCP(PointData[loadid][X],PointData[loadid][Y],PointData[loadid][Z], 5.0, -1, -1, playerid,2000);
        //pData[playerid][CheckpointID] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, PointData[loadid][X],PointData[loadid][Y],PointData[loadid][Z],5.0);
        pData[playerid][Checkpoint] = 1;
        new String[150];
        format(String,sizeof(String),"Delivering %s from %s to %s.",LoadData[cargoid][Name],PointData[loadid][Name],PointData[offloadid][Name]);

Maybe it's not showing in the map because you have commented that part? :P

Is the text being sent?

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