100x100 zones.

How to divide the whole map of San Andreas zones with dimensions such as 100m x 100 m?

Sorry for my bad english, i'm polish.

Use MapAndreas, my friend.

how to use it?

You should rephrase your question because if you just ask how to divide the SA map into 100x100 sqaures I just gonna tell you that you need to divide the default 6000x6000 (~ -3000 till +3000 on x and y) by 60 to get your 100x100 square

MapAndreas is a plugin which gets the highest z value of the nearest 1mІ

I want to create the whole map area 100x100, assigning each area a unique ID. Could you give an example?

Do you want a 100x100 pattern or zones of 100x100 meters?

I want to create something like this: http://i.imgur.com/vyPotYU.png on all over the map san andreas.

Bottom left corner of the map is x = -3000, y = -3000 by default.

When you get your coordinates (GetPlayerPos for example), add 3000 to both the x and y coordinates.
Then your virtual coordinates in the bottom left corner is x = 0, y = 0, while the upper-right corner is x = 6000, y = 6000.
Dividing those by 60 gives you the grid you want (squares of 60x60 meters, 100 divisions in both directions).

To find the square you're in:
- get your coordinates (GetPlayerPos)
- add 3000. to both x and y
- divide those by 60.0

Then you have the X and Y positions of the grid.
You could give ID's to them by multiplying the X by 100, then add Y to that.

GetPlayerPos returns x = 1245 and y = 784.

We add 3000 to those:
x = 4245, y = 3784.
Divide both by 60:
x = 70.75, y = 63.06 (rounded down: x = 70, y = 63)

Square ID: (70 x 100) + 63 = 7063.

Example 2:
GetPlayerPos returns x = -2997 and y = -2998 (near bottom left corner).

Add 3000: x = 3, y = 2
Divide by 60: x = 0.05, y = 0.033 (rounded down: x = 0, y = 0)
Square ID: (0 x 100) + 0 = 0.

Example 3:
GetPlayerPos returns x = 2998, y = 2995 (top left corner)

Add 3000: x = 5998, y = 5995
Divide by 60: x = 99.96, y = 99.91 (rounded down: x = 99, y = 99)
Square ID: (99 x 100) + 99 = 9999.

okay, thank you! but how can I create gangzone on the area in which currently I stand?

Only on your current square?

Suppose you find the square-ID to be 4754 (you're standing at coords: x = -140, y = 275).

x = (-140 + 3000) / 60 = 47.6666 -> rounded down = 47
y = (275 + 3000) / 60 = 54.5833 -> rounded down = 54
Square ID: (47 x 100) + 54 = 4754.

Create a gangzone ranging from:
xMin = (47 * 60) - 3000 = -180.0 (bottom left corner of the square)
yMin = (54 * 60) - 3000 = 240.0 (bottom left corner of the square)
xMax = ((47 + 1) * 60) - 3000 = -120.0 (upper right corner of the square)
yMax = ((54 + 1) * 60) - 3000 = 300.0 (upper right corner of the square)

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