09.02.2014, 16:33
I feel like the stickied topic for people posting wants ads in the "Need Scripter/Helper" topic should be managed just a hair better. When I say this, I mean that most of the people posting want ads really aren't offering anything beneficial to developers for hire. I feel like there should be a stickied topic STRICTLY for developers posting their "resume" or want ads. This would help those of us who actually would like to PAY developers for their labor, (and when I say pay, I mean pay fairly), find a good match. This would be mutually beneficial to both parties, because those of us in need of good developers - whether it be mappers, scripters, or just beta testers - could find them via their want ads or resume, and not have to sort through all these, "hostin a gud server. need scripter pls. i will give u co owner", ads. This would be beneficial to the developers for the very same reason. I'm curious to hear anyone's thoughts on this! My hope is that if it fairs out to be a good idea, and I get a little support on it, perhaps we may be able to convince someone to incorporate this idea into the forums.