[Request]Name Change

Hello Admins and Geeks.Can some one tell me how can i change my forum name? or is there any thread to request name change?

Thanks, Sorry for my good ilish

Originally Posted by THE_KING$5$
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** FlawPaw reaches into his right trousers' pocket covered by a black cloak, contracting his elbow as he does so, retrieving a short magic wand, firmly gripping it by his right hand.**
**FlawPaw then extends his elbow, followed with his wrists, aiming the wand at THE_KING's forehead, placing his index finger at the trigger, applying pressure to it, letting out a burst of pink energy like in powerpuff girls, shocking THE_KING**


Conclusion: Never ask geeks to change your name.

you cant change it. even after pm'ing beta tester(they'll ignore it).

User CP > Edit Your Details > You Cannot.

You cant.

Yes you can if you deserve it. Depends on your experience, +REP and your public figure on the forums.

Originally Posted by Mr.Anonymous
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User CP > Edit Your Details > You Cannot.
I liked this one. Could've been a little more.. explained and detailed.
  1. Grab your mouse
  2. Move the mouse (and thus the pointer on the computer screen) to the left
  3. Press the User CP button
  4. Look around on the page you land on
  5. Get annoyed by the fact that nothing on the page seems to lead you to somewhere where you can change your display name/username
  6. Mash on the keyboard furiously
  7. Grab a hammer, and cause mass destruction to your computer
  8. Come back to this thread on another computer or mobile phone, to come to the conclusion, that there is no such thing as a place where you can change your name here at SA-MP forums, besides PM'ing a beta tester, which in most cases results in a 'Message sent. Message Read. Message Ignored/Deleted' situation, bringing you again, nowhere.
Nothing bad meant towards the OP though! Sadly you can't change your name here, only beta testers can change it if they find your account worthy of it, as far as I know.

EDIT: Thanks StuartD, added the step with the hammer

Jstylezzz, You missed the step with the hammer.

What is SA-MP? and how i came here ? who am i?

Originally Posted by FlawPaw
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** FlawPaw reaches into his right trousers' pocket covered by a black cloak, contracting his elbow as he does so, retrieving a short magic wand, firmly gripping it by his right hand.**
**FlawPaw then extends his elbow, followed with his wrists, aiming the wand at THE_KING's forehead, placing his index finger at the trigger, applying pressure to it, letting out a burst of pink energy like in powerpuff girls, shocking THE_KING**


Conclusion: Never ask geeks to change your name.
Epic. Just...epic.

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